
erase, too mean upon reflection

@avclub-f9502a4e2c9cb33351220ddd8ac39da5:disqus all true, but she was such a dreadful nag with that soft baby voice…She drove me nuts near the end.I am  more sympathetic upon rewatches though.

F grades are reserved for so-bad-it's-good episodes, they're like the A of bad TV.

@dewdropvelvet a.k.a. velvetdewdrop Do you actually ever bother to read things before you comment on them?

I hate her character now because I liked Molly, but then again I applaud the show's depiction of a random act of brutality by a woman - not so common on TV. I agree that there is little consistency to her behaviour.

I hate her character now because I liked Molly, but then again I applaud the show's depiction of a random act of brutality by a woman - not so common on TV. I agree that there is little consistency to her behaviour.

I hope there will be another review upcoming. I am going to miss Burn Notice more than I ought to.

Liked for versatile use of the word forehead.

Your comments are giving my eyeballs CancerAids. I am guessing you are a failed formerly aspiring psych major from a place fraught with psuedo-hipsters like Seattle or Portland (no disrespect to folks from there, I would say Vancouver but I really think she's American), or more likely, a thirty something year old