
How to be a gentleman? Offer to sleep in the wet patch.

How can you rent it if it's only just been released? Give me those 10 bucks or I'll kick your ass.

Not only on the premise-I've seen clips and they were funny as fuck.

It's been doing the round of horror film fests for over a year now, so it's good to see it finally get an official release. The clips I've seen were hilarious, so it's a shame to read this review. Will still see it though.

Don't call me Nigger-my phone's been disconnected.

It was a typo-thanks for your time. The system still sucks.

I neither know, now understand, this.

'sloppy blowjob'? Aren't they the best kind?

'Nirvana' is the record-The Neverminds are the group.

Greenlight that show!

Are these girls as broke as the comments system? No update on my Profile page since 21 sept

I know it's great being able to share my bullshit opinion with a load of other over-opinionated tossers, and that, via the magic of technology, the internet whizzes my pathetic brainfarts that no-one can really be actually interested in, and that don't make any difference at all to anyone's life, through the ether and

The comments on my profile page haven't been updated since 21 Sept-just sayin'.

The first comments in my profile come from the glorious 'Age of Disqus', but starting from about a week ago they're not showing up there anymore. 

My recently posted comments haven't been showing up on my profile-now I can't follow my posts/conversations. Hopefully a Cuba/USSR axis invasion will restore order.

It's true-I fuck faces. Ask your mom.

: …the only people watching TV on Fridays are,
well, old.

They should stick to scalping and hunting buffalo-it's what they do best!

What is this? A dvd-release review?  A review from the time of the theatrical release? Does the AVClub have these film-summaries hidden around the site, ready to be linked to? Questions, questions.

Hyperbol-o-meter, where are you?