
Heh heh-I thought the same, but I'd never be dumb enough to say it on a public forum.

I was disappointed that Surface didn't appear in purple, linkable type.

'The AVClub COMM-NET section'! That's what we need! A comments section for weak-brained morons who can be transformed into homophobes/racists by reading what gets posted there, and a 'comments' section for the rest of us.


That nit got its fucking ass picked-way to go, fella!

Get-a over here a-right now, and bring-a the Fucking Bible.

Luvly jubbly.

Again another comment removed-what am I being protected from? Because I really don't appreciate not being able to make up my own mind whether to be offended. Sorry to bogart your thread Dora, I'll LIKE you if that's any consolation.

That was going so well until 'don't watch TV anymore'

Have to say, it's what I least like about the reviews here-why bother recapping?

I think there’s an essay to be written in just how Neil often decides to
make major moves in regards to Brent when the cameras are around and he
can preen a bit. He really couldn’t have said something in the years between the end of the original series and the follow-up documentaries?

What about the one where it's the *reader* who is the murderer?

The comment removal is so immature-aren't we all adults here? Nothing I read or write on these comments boards is going to turn me into a racist, anti-semite, sexist, or whatever. Stop protecting me you fags.

What part of 'ALL replies' is unclear to you?

I love you, Hyperbol-ometer!

We're not from London.

This is why I want my HIDE ALL REPLIES function back^

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Here's what Denise, over at BabyCenter had to say:

He fixes the tub?