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    Went bowling last week - still kinda sore.

    Actually, the aspect ratios change depending on the depicted timeframe - there are three used throughout, ranging from full screen to cinematic widescreen. Just one more brilliant touch, in my opinion.

    Pretty much!


    Me too. Then, "Oh, the church cross. OH, the crosses on the hospital car. Right. Got it."

    Yes, I always relish the part where I hand my massage therapist my credit card and then schedule my next appointment to be the highlight of the whole experience. Sometimes, we discuss hydration and stretches, too - bliss.

    …True Detective…?

    …and Jonah from Tonga.

    I was actually preparing my argument (Guns of Brixton! Complete Control!), but… No. No, I think you've got it right.


    i need you to be the strength of widows and soul survivors
    i need you to be as fearless as new mothers and new fathers
    i need you to be the hope of hearts who lost true love

    Yup, but it's possible not everyone knows this. Possible.

    Kim Thayil plays guitar, not bass. So he'd also have to shift that up.

    He may have joined Skip and Rhonda at New Melmac, but we'll never know…

    Small Wonder (1985-1989; 96 episodes)

    "It's not finished!"

    "It's finished."


    4/26/2013, I believe.

    Minor point, but he wasn't a NEW cop, he was new to the narcotics unit. He had been a cop for a while before we meet him. Not sure about LA, but I see detectives and plainclothes in my city with facial hair (kept fairly neat) all the time.

    No, I just spilled my drink…