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    Anna Falchi, Anna Falchi, Anna Falchi, Anna Falchi, Anna Falchi.
    Also, Anna Falchi's in it.

    Yup. And it was so WEIRD, too, what with the aliens, cat eyes, etc.

    Birdland, Omaha the Cat Dancer, Bondage Fairies, etc… so much filth from my youth. Thanks for all that.

    Wait… dammit… Is everybody else here an NSA agent too?!?  Jesus, guys. Come ON.

    Homeboys IN Outer Space. IN. Starring Flex and Darryl.

    …and a great song.

    Was it "Searching for the Wrong Eyed Jesus"? Cuz that's what did it for me.

    @avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus "Sure"

    @avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus — "Can you say Egg McMuffin?"
    "Eggamuffin… yeah."

    …Was no one else just a little disturbed by the ending? I mean, I suppose that was the point, but it left a slightly sour taste in my mouth.

    And I will friend you, if I may,
    In the dark and cloudy day.

    Actually, Brewer's Art has been canning Resurrection since 2010 or so. You can get it in most decent local booze stores.

    "For real verisimilitude, you should have had Natty Bo (National Bohemian) beer for the Ravens. It's the local cheap but not too cheap beer of choice."

    Fine shots.

    Stylish fit.

    Comically small weenies with hairs growing at the bottom - you just described my least favorite porn sub-genre.

    Comically small weenies with hairs growing at the bottom - you just described my least favorite porn sub-genre.

    I had a similar thought. I cook EVERYTHING at home in cast iron, however, and my omelettes pretty much ALWAYS look better than any one of those, including WP's. I thought it was a bit odd… It's pretty simple, really:

    I had a similar thought. I cook EVERYTHING at home in cast iron, however, and my omelettes pretty much ALWAYS look better than any one of those, including WP's. I thought it was a bit odd… It's pretty simple, really:

    There's only so much room for bands to sign your iPod, so…