
I know how you feel. I lived in Arizona for a while.

Didn't the 2000 election settle this issue pretty conclusively?

I have a longstanding theory that Bachmann is a character Al Franken created after he saw how successful Colbert was, and he's insisting on sticking with it until someone gets the joke.

He's a big fuckin' deal.

I hear ya, buddy.

Looks like the no vote is pulling away… and Bachmann fell behind again. COME ON MINNESOTA. Do it for @avclub-ea4ae23776b72e0f3eec7de67170a53d:disqus 's cat!

Thanks, y'all!

The Globe just called the main gay marriage initiative! History, baby!

Rove is protesting their decision to call Ohio. That's priorities for ya.

Everything okay?

@avclub-04e0ee7f57cb99fce8677b2f946c35af:disqus Newsman of record. dammit.

Okay, but you wouldn't be able to get married…

Actually, looks like marijuana legalization is going to pass in Colorado and Washington at the moment…

Also Political Wire, Fox, CBS… it's real baby!

I think the really important thing here is, Nate Silver was right. \

There's still time. I know it's over, but that's just how good Florida is.


The Dewey Crowe crime spree episode has got to be at the least in the top five funniest episodes ever done by a drama, right?

I get this decision. I actually enjoy Elementary. It's not a Golden Age high quality show, but for a procedural it's pretty smart and respects its characters. Exposed to a wide audience, it could actually pull in a decent following, as opposed to most of CBS's crap.

She is very easy to fall in love with.