
what would people like you know about satire?

Jon Stewart is brilliant but I think he's been a bit too negative at the end here (although negativity is certainly warranted.) He seems to be joking about how satire doesn't work at all and things have gotten worse. It's all pointless. Obviously he doesn't feel that way and is joking but still. (It might just be the

Wellick and Colby are crazy and so I think Mr. Robot is just another crazy person in Elliot's orbit.

His point was that sometimes Facebook has these memes which go viral and everyone is interested in. The first one he remembered was about Pluto. Recently there was one about a robot trekking across the continent.

Seems like a random thing to complain about.

I really enjoyed this episode as well and am glad to read that they got another season.

The most powerful scene for me was when Trey was talking to Daniel in the kitchen.

That was too dark for me. Shayla was a source of hope and goodness for Elliot and now she's gone. Mr. Robot explains it away by saying that she was dead as soon as she started working for Fernando.

I don' tknow, he could know. His comment about replacing them with Synths could have been directed at Karen in a knowing way. I wouldn't be surprised either way.

Nevertheless I still consider you a troll and a bad one at that.

No you are the shallow viewer who is refusing to face up to the themes the show is exploring like why the family doesn't want to dump Anita.

Does the police captain know that the cop is a synth? He must.

Why write two similar comments about how you don't like a show (which evidently other people do like)? We get it.

What if the spambots became sentient?

Did you actually write two similar comments? Why repeat yourself especially when it's just "blah blah blah I don't like this show."?

Yeah I kind of get where she's coming from: being repeatedly raped at the bordello pissed her off. That's what she was getting at when she told Hurt that her experiences have shaped her. She identifies with the non-conscious synths and yet is not one of them.

Damn these ad synths! People are people! Say no to robots!

The honorable way? You're fast becoming my least favorite troll.

Non-rape sex is consensual. The machine isn't giving its consent. So it is rapey or at least looks that way at the party. You're an argumentative moron if you don't see that. But then there are a lot of your type on the Internet.

I didn't give the show a chance the first two seasons because it looked too depressing - a show about death row - but I've watched the first three episodes of this season and love it.