
I saw that documentary on cable.

Kevin Carroll hasn't been in anything big in a major role, looking at his IMDB page, but I agree he's fantastic.

Yeah I didn't write "John" I wrote "they" bring food to him. I could have been clearer. My point was that the family seems good even though John burnt down the fortune tellers house and was in prison for attempted murder.

One of the key insights from the first season was given to us by one of the twins when they found the dead dog in the back of Jill's car. He describes how dogs who witnessed the disappeared went feral and left home to join roving packs of feral dogs. He said the same thing is happening to people only that it's taking

I've been enjoying this show and wish there were more episodes. Seems very realistic about how the authorities might behave. Hopefully we would do better.

Or the coup in Chile where they rounded up dissidents and put them in the soccer stadium. Ruben Blades talked about central/South American militaries' disregard for civil rights during a civil war.

It was good to have the Daily Show and moment of Zen back again.

None of the astronauts were black, were they? There was only one woman who blew up in the Space Shuttle.

There's a simple method to avoid prison: don't get caught!

Oh come on. Two guys boning to Eye of the Tiger?

I really liked it.

Wow all of my favorite shows won. Game of Thrones and Veep. Daily Show. Tyrion Lannister hell yeah! Nominations for Tatiana Maslany and Bob Odenkirk! Pretty cool.

There are actual historical, international examples of this sort of thing happening, like when governments default on their debt or unpeg their currencies.

What good is money if not to use it to lord over your fellow humans?

You are brainwashed.

You're stupid. It's the best part of the show and gets at the core corruption of today's society. People have to go into debt to live life.

"To the conservative, it is still the government that is encroaching on the freedoms of individuals, abetted by a totalitarian culture that supports the restricting of our ostensible freedoms in the name of tolerance and equality."

I hope the Dome takes the people of Chester's Mill and zooms out into deep space like the guy in Defiance.


I bet Rickon wins the Game of Thrones. Married to Asha Greyjoy, leading the Greyjoy and combined Westerosi and Essosi fleets.