
Fair enough.

The best moment is when Larson and Auckerman are whispering about aliens and Cudi didn't have his mic hooked up so Auckerman is whispering to him. And Larson just starts laughing but is trying to hold it in. Awesome.

No, they are self-centered, overly ambitious workaholics. Sociopaths. I don't have to wonder about your politics. You're an idiot.

You sound very argumentative, just looking for a fight. Elliot berated one guy so we could do a jubilee and erase everyone's debts. I imagine Bill has debts and will appreciate them being erased.

Couldn't he just say Angela took his badge and did it?

I liked the moment where Elliot received the call from Shayla after the successful mission. He seemed genuinely happy. Then he tried to console Darlene about her failure and invited her back to his place.

Can you rape a cow or a dog? Same thing.

Nobody is sympathetic? Really? You sound like a troll.

What language are Wellick and his wife speaking? Swedish?

I completely disagree. It is kind of upsetting and nerve-wracking to realizing that most of our corporate overlords are like Wellick. Hubristic alpha dogs. I could see a person not wanting to watch that week after week. In other words I wonder what your politics are.

Excellent points. I was thinking Karen wasn't sentient because she was acting roboty or androidy and mechanical in her locked bedroom alone whereas she acts very human in the company of humans. But who knows maybe she is sentient? It was weird how she was acting distressed to herself about Pete's weird anti-synth

I had a feeling Niska was going to go Fight Club on the Fight Club.

at the party.

"While Fox News viewers may be the least informed among news consumers, these complaints make a strong argument for scandalized Fox News hate-watchers being an even less-informed subset."

Commenters are saying the fish had the voice of Keith David.

They Live!

Obviously we disagree about the economics. The Greeks have enacted more than twice the level of austerity than any other European nation. That's not burning Euros. The northern creditors are loan sharks.

That's a good point. The shootout was intense because McAdams and Farrell were freaking out as other cops got hit in the head. They didn't want to be there but were doing their duty. Kitsch just went into robot killing mode like he was back in the sand pit.

That's a good point. The shootout was intense because McAdams and Farrell were freaking out as other cops got hit in the head. They didn't want to be there but were doing their duty. Kitsch just went into robot killing mode like he was back in the sand pit.

Good catch! Wish I knew Spanish. Of course that's not the end of the murder case and conspiracy.