
Ugh I felt bad for the blind kids and the blind teacher. The Boston French reality agent is hot!!!

The shootout was great. Even the cops were like "WTF?" The baddies were of the Michael Mann Heat school of shooting, just unload civilians be damned.

Velcro's partner took one in the head.

Stannis! Noooooo.

Yeah Forehead is back! Junior is getting some alien lovin'. Bawm-chicka-wow-wah.
Big Jim and Red are on the run from Actiaon who are now somehow Under the Dome with Frank Whaley. Huh?

Thanks for reviewing this show. It has a lot of potential.

The trolls hate that he bashed trolls and so they say the first episode sucked.

Enjoying this show. I've always liked William Hurt (Altered States!) and it's fun to see him rebel against the creepy Vera. Those controlling bureaucrats and their Obamacare death panels! Nice moment with the synth on the phone. That resonates with contemporary customer service.

No I'm not. What's your problem?

Big Jim had the right idea: leave town and regroup. The town has turned into pod people. Sure take along the dog, but the reviewer is right, something is up with the dog. Possibly the dog was in pod, excellent eyebrows though.

I want Ben to wake up and say "Wow, one second she was giving me a handjob and then BOOM! I was on fire and then I blacked out.

I liked how the daughter speculated about how doctors could become obsolete. Delves a little into philosophy and political economy. And she dismissed Synths as slaves.

I really loved this episode. Haven't seen the Swedish version so can't compare it negatively with that.

In my view it's a political-economic policy problem, not just a problem caused by robots. More specifically it's how the government addresses monetary, fiscal and employment policy. Throughout history, technology has disrupted economies and job markets, but the results depend a lot upon government policy. "Free

I'm a sucker for noir and am enjoying this show. Was McAdams watching porn? I also liked how she kept wondering about where do all the people in Vinci actually *live*?

I'm another one of those who found Yes to be magical for lack of a better word. Definitely one of the bands I loved the most even though they were ahead of my time. I was in my teens when 90125 came out and was fortunate enough to see them live in that incarnation at least. Squire always seemed to be having a blast

Sweet Dreams, Here Comes the Rain Again, and …. what else? sorry I offended you.

Yeah but at first he really isn't that political. He's misanthropic and hates everyone except his shrink and childhood friend. (Excellent point about his creepy spying). He decided to go political after the exec was rude to his friend. The Slater character has the political vision.

I really like Deutschland 83 but *love* Mr. Robot. The pilot seemed like a movie.

I wondered about that. Thanks for the info! One of the things I love about the show is the cultural differences: 80s East versus West, Germany versus America. The 60s did sort of move on through the Seventies and the Peace movement and Greens in the 80s.