
Can you escape the Dome? Of course not. The Dome is you.

I liked the politics and liked the pilot. Smart writing. And the main guy even criticized how everyone reads The Hunger Games. It's transgressive without really doing anything (like Mr. Robot). At least that's what I think they were getting at. And wasn't it weird for USA to show a nude young woman - the one he slept

haha, "Are you seeing this?"

from the link

Wow you are a HUGE dick. I feel sorry for you. Point by point rebuttal of your stupid waste of words.

I was hoping the weird Canadian Sci-Fi renaissance would continue (see Orphan Black, Continuum, Lost Girl, etc.) I liked Alphas too.

He marched on Winterfell because he didn't have choice. It's not his fault that the Lord of Light abandoned him. He burned his daughter after all.

LaRouche? What? You're nuts.

I disagree with you about the Americans, Ukraine, Putin and this show. No doubt you are used to it and won't be swayed by evidence.

I liked this show, especially the one hit wonders soundtrack. No doubt the jingoist rightwingers who find The Americans traitorous won't like this either.

No it's not dickish to rebute. You just sound like a HUGE dick. Is everyone a dick to you? Probably because you're the dick, not them.

I attack their stupid interpretations.

They had that Wildling Orell played by Mackenzie Crook who could warg into a hawk.

I didn't like Obama's handling of the TPP. Democrats handed him a defeat on that one.

I've always like Maron. Good for him. Wonder if he'll ask about the TPP. I doubt it, a little too boring.

Wow you sound like a real dick. Yes I guess we'll see. They didn't show his head flying off so we don't know for sure.

Chill out? Don't tell me to chill out. Your comments are stupid.

And to her nanny. She was even kind of snotty to Shae at first, but then became friends with Tyrion and Shae.

Keep on rockin' America! Screw the poor! Idolize the rich and powerful!

The last 200 years? What?