
But they didn't show him die. He could go back to Dragonstone and start rebuild with Davos again if Davos can forgive him.

He admitted to Melisandre that he killed his brother. She responded that the war has just begun and he'll do much worse. He'll betray everyone.

Do you have a page number for the Jon Arryn assassination. On the show, the first scene you have of Jaime and Ceseri is the two of them discussion having killed Jon Arryn as his body lies their with stones on his eyes. He had figured out the mystery which Ned Stark would later figure out by following Arryn's clues.

Sounds like you're looking for a conservative arts and entertainment sight rather than one based in reality.

Feminism "crap" isn't out of control. Theon sold out the Starks. Even he admits he kind of deserves it. Sansa never hurt anybody. In fact she saved that drunk knight from Joffrey.

He tried to kill Bran for Cersei. He killed Jon Arryn because of Cersei. He attacked Ned Stark over Tyrion, killing his lieutenant and starting a war. He killed his cousin to escape prison. He's not afraid to kill to benefit himself or Cersei.

She told Myranda she was ready to die because Ramsay had abused her so badly. I tend to think she'll blame Littlefinger for suggesting she marry Ramsay.

I am so grateful they scheduled Silicon Valley to follow the GoT downer.

That's just what Tyrion said in the previous episode while at the fighting pit. "there's enough death already."

"my sweet summer child…."

That was HBO's CEO of Tits's work.

Some moments this season gave me chills: Jorah and Tyrion sailing through Valyria as Drogon flew overhead. The whole battle at Hardome, with the four white walkers on horseback on the distant cliff. Tyrion and Dany chatting over wine.

thanks, now I remember.


That sums up my feelings. As a book reader, it's easier to deal with and doesn't totally distract if it happened in the book. And we know Bran survives.

I agree with the reviewer. Season Five was depressing. I was grateful Silicon Valley and Veep were on immediately following GoT." I did get chills when Jorah and Tyrion were sailing through Valyria and the dragon flew overhead. Or when the four White Walkers were on horseback above Hardhome during the battle with the

He wrote that the "Tyrells leaving Stannis was huge, because they have the biggest army in Westeros."

Excellent points, thank you. I don't know if the Faith does trial by combat though.

Here's how D & D can make next season better. Brienne doesn't kill Stannis because just as she is about to Ramsay rides up and wants to take them prisoner in order to flay them. (He already has Pod tied up.) Brienne kills Ramsay (she beat the Hound and Loras after all). Pod convinces her that Stannis had the better

I don't think he's much of a bad guy. His choice was either burn his daughter or have his army starve to death.