
I hope Stannis is alive because I'm a fan - but less so after the Shireen burning. But I think it's unlikely.

She was a hottie!

What do you think of his points? The Tyrells have the biggest army in Westeros?

That's the best theory I've heard. Still it's pretty unsatisfying. The Lord of Light was mistakenly helping some guy until - ooops! - he changed his mind and this other guy is the true azor ahai. The gods are fickle.

Yeah I love the show and it was my favorite show until this season. Now I like the books better even though obviously they are different things. I will continue to enjoy Stannis in the books even as D & D have written him off because for some reason R'hllor didn't follow through.

The Wild Fire ultimately fucked him on the Blackwater. As Melisandre kept pointing out to him, he listened to Davos and didn't bring her.

But the books didn't have Sansa married to Ramsay and maritally raped. If it wasn't for Theon she would have been tortured even more. She was ready to die.

Yeah I thought it was a depressing season also. Sansa is almost gone as she tells Ramsay's lover. Shireen burnt alive. Myrcella dead. Stannis might be dead.

I didn't like what they did to Stannis. The Lord of Light has his back until all of the sudden he doesn't? He did warm up the weather but half of Stannis's army left (because of the cold or because he burned a girl alive?). The Lord of Light couldn't show that to Melisandre in a vision? He just needed Shireen burnt?

What's your problem? You really hate Stannis or Stannis fans for some reason?

Not really a fair jibe, but then we don't look to the Internet for FAIR jibes.

That's how I felt. Myrcella, Shireen, Stannis. Jon Snow I was expecting from the books, but now it's just Davos stuck at the wall, Sansa and Theon, Brienne and Pod in Westeros. And Bronn and Jaime who did toss Bran from the tower but was nice to Brienne. Then there's the gang in Mereen. I like Prince Doran but looks

I haven't read the book but am enjoying the show. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it. I'm a huge Anglophile and love all of the actors.

Not a complete surprise, but yeah obviously it was a big reveal. A huge mind-fuck for the three kids. Some commenter speculated it all might be a misdirect, but it would be difficult to get the scenery for Matt Dillon to stumble across, unless he was in some virtual reality or under hypnosis or something. I like how

The whole idea of arranged marriage (and the Mad King's tyranny) arguably led to Robert's Rebellion and hence to the War of the Five Kings. Rhaegar wasn't happy in his marriage to Elia Martell. So he fell in love with Lyanna Stark and kidnapped her. This led to the death of Ned Stark's brother and father and to the

Cersei did love Robert at first, but Robert loved Lyanna Stark. Even if maritial rape was accepted at the time, it's still horrible for us and for Sansa apparently given her reactions. Even if it was accepted widely at the time, it doesn't make it any less horrible for the women involved. Same with the whole idea of

It's interesting that the East Asian-looking Red Priestess in the streets of Volantis was preaching that Dany was the savior.

It's interesting that the Red Priestess in Volantis was preaching Dany as the savior.

Yeah I agree. It's a shame.

Really the showrunners put Stannis in an impossible position. It's like Sophie's Choice, where Meryl Streep has to chose which kid lives and which dies.