
From what I remember she did do a few token things, but no massive infrastructure projects. Even just reopening the fighting pits would spur economic activity.

Did you watch the Outlander finale? That guy couldn't even get out of bed. He wanted to kill himself.

I love Carpenter and Big Trouble is one of my favorite movies. If they can't get John Carpenter, maybe get George Miller and make it full of explosions like Fury Road.

If you like Carpenter, check it out.

Yeah I'm afraid D & D will have him be okay with it just as Sansa is dealing with her repeated marital rapes. You would think he wouldn't be okay with it, but he had to know. He tried to bring Shireen back to the Wall. Like you said its seemed unclear to me.

Brienne and Pod rescue Sansa. The two armies destroy each other as Brienne kills Stannis. Maybe the Knights of the Vale kill the Boltons as Littlefinger cleans up the mess but is killed by Sansa. Jon Snow retreats to Winterfell with Davos and Melisandre as the army of the dead movessouth.

It kind of ruined the whole episode for me (although I liked when Jorah and Khalesi held hands!). With Ned Stark's beheading and the Red Wedding, they ended the episode with the horror and if you had read the books, you knew they were coming.

He was better than Joffrey and next in line in the succession. I would prefer they hold elections but this is Westeros. With Renly, Robb and Ned Stark dead, who was left? Robin Arryn? Doran Martell ain't too bad.

In the books, Robert rationalized his rebellion by saying one of his ancestors married a Targaryen. So it's Targaryen verus Targaryen.

Seems like people are just as upset about Shireen as about Sansa and Cersei.

Seems like people are just as upset about Shireen as about Sansa and Cersei.

I love how people find reasons for disliking Ned Stark just because he "lost out." He tried his best and was scewed over by that weasel Littlefinger. Yes he should have been more political like Tyrion. Still.

Ned's prissiness didn't undo him. Littlefinger backstabbed him. Yes he should have been more political like Tyrion was.

yes with Shireen he has gone too far. For Westeros, a lot of people were loyal to those rulers.

He was a lot better than Joffrey, Tywin, the Mountain, Bolton, Ramsay, etc. Nobody is really a hero in the classic sense.

It was kind of funny seeing as how Daario was so sure that the quick fighter would win.

After they beat the White Walkers, they can have some sort of Westerosi King's Moot and decide on an acceptable compromise. Maybe they'll get rid of the monarchy and hold elections.

Comparably speaking he wasn't a sadist. He was better than the Mad King, Joffrey (and Cersei), Roose Bolton, or Ramsay. He didn't employ people like the Mountain or Vargo Hoat, the Black Goat of Qohor.

Third response!

Yeah he put out a chapter about a happy and unraped Sansa just before the season started.