
Basically my point is that nothing much matters in a discussion of a TV show. It's odd that you would complain about the relevance or importance of some Internet comment. Are you the importance police? I'm sorry we'll try to do better next time.

Um, no. I'd rather be ruled by Dany or Stannis than by the White Walkers. For one thing, you probably wouldn't be dead. Magic is a means to end for them.

I loved Dillane as Thomas Jefferson in the HBO series on John Adams with Paul Giamatti. He was perfect.

The feeling is mutual.

Weiss said exactly what you're saying. Still I would rather people felt bad and angry about Sansa and Shireen than respond with a collective shrug to them as well.

Agreed. Now I don't really care what happens to Stannis. I would think Davos would leave or try to kill Melisandre. Maybe Brienne will kill Stannis and save Davos from having to make a decision.

It's called something like tragedy fatigue. It's why people change the channel when pictures of Starvin' Marvin appear on TV with calls for donations.

I'd be interested to hear what you think is "more important" in the discussion of a TV show. On second thought I couldn't care less what you think about anything at all.

Good points. Stannis is too much of stickler for the law. Technically he was in the right, but I agree, he should have allied himself Robb Stark as Renly did. Waiting out Renly might not have worked though. I agree, Stannis's fatal flaw is Melisandre. As he tells Davos, you have to do bad things to win wars, but

*sad trombone*

I want to see the sour look on Lady Olenna's face when Mace sings. We do need a musical episode.

Yeah it's worse because we weren't expecting it (or rather we were hoping it wouldn't happen.)

The books are way more palatable than the show. The books are kind of cartoony and fun because of the language, while on the show we have to watch the actors suffer. It's harsher when we see it.

Nevertheless I agree with Tyrion's point.

Arguably he should have ignored Davos and brought Melsandre to the battle at Blackwater Bay. Arguably he should never have thrown in with Red Priestess.

I thought in the books he kept urging Dany to eat the locusts, but Belwas ate them all first. Maybe I'm misreading you.

It depends on the economics. If Dany spends enough gold to help with employment, there doesn't need to be competition and there will be enough work to go around for the freed slaves. I don't remember how Martin described it in the books. He might have written what you said about the resentment over competition for

Yeah Brienne kills Stannis, good call.

What lessened the saddness and disappointment of the downfall of Stannis for me was the redemption of Mormont who is another favorite character. I cheered when Khalesi took his hand. But he still has the Greyscale. I was surprised that the Sons of the Harpy killed Dany's husband. In the books he was in on the

She did sing his song.