
It matters. The fact that you can't understand that just shows what an idiot you are.

No the most tiresome thing is the people complaining about the discussion.

The books are a lot more cartoony, it's the language. The show is more realistic so all the rape and torture is more harsh. It's happening to actors (granted they're acting but still.)

Wow you sure are a hard guy! Poole wasn't a major character. Sansa is. She was in the first episode. Your point is null and void.

I love the books, but they seem a lot more cartoon-like than the show. It's why I like the books. Vargo Hoat and Oberyn and The Hound are lot more snarling and sarcastic. It's the language and the raping seems less real. It does make the mileu more realistic and harsh than your average fantasy story.

I really have no idea where you're coming from. You criticize her for being too soft and for being too hard. She can't win.

What's not true? In this very episode she told Tyrion she knows her father earned his name as the Mad King.

My point is that there is no evidence of that. No evidence that Tyrion would believe that nor that Stannis wouldn't give it up.

I'm a Stannis fanboy because he'd be a good king. He's badass. It's just too bad he burns people and has kept Melisandre around.

It would have been realistic for her to get PTSD and be seriously messed up. Some victims of rape get it. I don't see why you're getting so bent out of shape.

Poor baby, my ass bleeds for you.

I'd rather you be raped too.

We know they appeared once before long ago. It appears to be seasonal like locusts when there's a long Winter or "when the Long Night comes."

She didn't execute the entire ruling class as Daario advised.

She's obsessed by her birthright because she dreamed she would be unburnt by the fire and she was. She hatched the dragons. Remember her rant at the Spice Trader when she was asking for ships?

"The pure idealists of the world, great as they were, as important as their contributions to the world have been, were all killed before their time.'

"The pure idealists of the world, great as they were, as important as their contributions to the world have been, were all killed before their time.'

Well Robert was the leader of the rebellion hence it's name. I figured they thought since he was the leader, he should be king and then they rationalized the lineage part afterwards (or during for propaganda).

How ya like me now???

He's kind of a dick. It was funny when he was asking his father about Fat Walda.