
I just disagree with you. Is Dany a "pure idealist?" Are we talking about pure idealism? No, doesn't seem like you want a dialogue.

I thought in the book they rationalized Robert's ascendency because one of his ancestors supposedly married a Targaryen. They got rid of the Mad King because he was too much, but they still offered up Robert's family line as legitimate even if it wasn't true.

My point was that in the book Stannis doesn't know she's alive so there's no evidence from there, and Tyrion doesn't meet Dany yet. I was just looking for evidence from the book.

They want to kill all living things because their master, the Lord of Light's enemy, has commanded them to do it.

"The only way to make it better is to temper your idealism with pragmatism."

Bull. She won over Mormont, Khal Drago, Varys, Selmy, Grey Worm, Milassendei, Daario, and now Tyrion probably.

I don't understand the cynicism and pessimism.

What struck me was how Tyrion believed Stannis would dismiss Dany's claim to the throne as illegitimate. I don't remember that from the book. I know Robert hated the Targaryens, but I don't know of Stannis believing them to be illegitimate. I don't think he knew she was still alive.

Varys thinks she's the best hope and he knows what's up. Now she has Tyrion. As Mormont saw, she was unburnt by Drago's funeral pyre and hatched the eggs.

Varys thinks she's the best hope and he knows what's up. Now she has Tyrion. As Mormont saw, she was unburnt by Drago's funeral pyre and hatched the eggs.

I was wondering if a boat could hold him without sinking or if he'd have to backstroke their entire journey.

i hate that stupid meme.

Oh wow I was geeking out over that epic episode.

Haha yeah she looked so familiar!

That would be awesome. The FBI has to sacrifice people to keep the Ancient Ones at bay.

June 25th. Mark the date! Hopefully a brave AV Club reviewer will take on the Dome.

It seemed to me it bothered a lot of people, unlike say the nameless slave gladiators getting butchered. Then there's a spectrum of reactions, some people say they'll never watch the show again, some say the rape detracts from the show. Some say the show is becoming too miserable and too much of a downer.

Time travel? Clones? Forest creatures? Aliens?

Hope Davis is great.

The are a variety of responses to Sansa's marital rape. I'm not saying all of them are corrrect. People want to discuss it. People like you want to shut down the discussion. You say it shouldn't be raised as an issue for a variety of reasons (seems like your're just hoping one sticks.)