
They showed Nymeria holding Myrcella and surrounded by Dornish soldiers.

Long sullen silences and an occasional punch in the face: the Mormont way!

I just wonder about the time factor. LF needs to get back to the Vale and then get to Winterfell before Stannis. My guess is that LF shows up afterwards and bends the knee to Stannis while asking Sansa to back him up b/c of his years of service to the Lannisters.

On the show, Tyrion told his father he'd refuse to rape Sansa. Tywin didn't care about his thoughts on the matter, but still it shows a dark contrast to Ramsay.

Nobody said Ramsay would have any problems, just that rape is frowned upon. Tyrion told his father he refused to rape Sansa. It was a sticking point between them. Obviously he wasn't worried about being sent to the Wall. And Tyrion isn't an overly moral guy.

There was a Manderly at the Red Wedding.

Yes I think he's betting on Stannis as he told Sansa. Stannis will take Winterfell and then move on to King's Landing. (But what about the Fey's and Tully's?) Lucky for Stannis, Cersei just alienated the Tyrells.

Yeah it's basically the Lannisters and the Freys.

It was that witch's prophecy.

In Westeros, Sansa can just tell Brienne who will gladly put Ramsay's head on a spike given her near miss.

The fact that you refuse to see how a serious, well made television show can elicit commentary speaks volumes about yours.

Brienne will probably be judge, jury and executioner, I bet. She beat the Hound in single combat after all. She fought Jaime to a draw. She beat Loras. Granted the Hound and Jaime weren't in top form at the time.

He didn't try to rape her.

It's not a meaningless act. When Cersei tells her father she refuses to be treated like a brood mare we sympathise.

Agreed. When Cersei tells her father she doesn't want to be treated like a brood mare, we can sympathize with her even if Tywin doesn't.

Except people were sent to the Wall for raping. The Dothraki thought it was the just spoils of war, but Daenerys didn't agree.

That's just as I see it. On the show there is a reason Ned Stark was revered all across the North and beyond (Stannis, Beric Dondarrion, etc.)

Well if they emerged damaged but stronger and more knowing then maybe everyone should be raped at least once.

I don't think you follow my point. You don't recover from a killing. Or if it's you doing the killing, yeah Arya is becoming a little psycho.

The North would protect her more than the Vale would. Sounds to me like all of you responses are argumentative.