
That's the book. You're blending with the book which is cheating.

We can apply their own rules. They send rapists to the Wall.

Great review. There definitely seem to be a theme about lies. Littlefinger's lies. The Faceless Men's lies. The lies we tell ourselves and others.

(sighs even more emphatically) Then he wouldn't consider it humiliating, nor dishonorable. Honorable men are not easily humiliated if they keep their honor.

They can expect it on their wedding night but it still might be traumatizing. Maybe that's why Cersei is such a bitch and why Khaleesi is so full of fire?

But they could watch Sansa recover from it and go about her revenge like nothing happened. I haven't studied the issue but for a lot of people it's traumatic and they never get over it.

Littlefinger is extremely lucky. Or he's incredibly well informed. The only reason the Bolton's need Sansa is because they're having trouble keeping the North under control. Bolton could have sent Sansa's head to King's Landing and asked for help against Stannis who is heading towards King's Landing.

"I think rape is a horrific act, but I'm not sure that the context of this universe makes it that big of a deal"

She could simultaneously consent and still not want to have sex with Ramsay. Tyrion followed her wishes and didn't have sex with her.

It was one who put Janos Slynt down.

A big wolf. They live north of the Wall, but the Starks found some near Winterfell in the first episode.

Yeah her other option was to hide in the Vale waiting for Cersei's assassin's to kill her. Not much of choice.

No you're wrong. He told Varys he had been trained as a soldier and knew how to die. After he saw that Yoren had gotten Arya away, he bowed his head accepting his fate.

What? He did it to protect his daughters.

And yet most of the North is still loyal to the Starks. You have testimonials throughout the series how Ned was a good man. Person after person tells Sansa, Arya, Jon Snow how good he was.

I don't know it just seems like you're minimizing how bad and traumatizing rape can be. That's where the critics are coming from. I haven't studied the issue but I know for some people - for a lot I bet - it ruins their life and they suffer from PTSD afterwards. Sansa was pretty much forced into "choosing" to marry

It's as if GRRM himself disagreed about Sansa being raped by releasing that Sansa chapter right before the season started.

Excellent point. And now Jaimie has been captured by the Dornish. Cersei will be like "Great, he got himself captured again!"

The High Sparrow and the Faith Militant need very little pretext to arrest somebody. They got Margaery for just lying. They could get Cersei for incest with Jaime or adultery with Lancel. But yes it's a lot different from the books.

Still, it's sort of a karma thing. Lady Olenna killed Joffrey because she didn't want Margaery to have to suffer him.