
Bad people die in the end too. Everyone dies. Joffrey. Janos Slynt. Tywin. Catelyn Tully's sister Lady Arryn. The Hound. The Mountain (sort of).

It's more in your face in a visual medium. Poor Sophie Turner!

I don't know. She might have hoped the Boltons would treat her well given that she is the last Stark and Littlefinger is her benefactor. Ramsay promised Littlefinger he wouldn't hurt her and would maker her happy.

Well it's rape if she doesn't want to have sex with Ramsay.

On the contrary, it's as if the producers took the crap they received over the show and books being rapey and threw it in their critics' faces with Sansa's rape.

And then Arya will kill him. Or Brienne. Or Pod. Or Varys. Or Daenerys. Or the White Walkers. Or Rickon riding a giant direwolf.

He's a sadist. He likes watching others suffer. The world is full of them. Like Uday Hussein. In the book I imagined him as being larger and more formidable and somewhat charismatic. In the show he's more of sniveling twerp but it still works.

Samwell Tarly's father was pretty awful too but he turned out well.

Joffrey could put on a facade for about 30 seconds, like when Tyrion gave him the history books as a wedding present. Then he chopped it with his new sword.

I wouldn't say it was that clear. Does he believe that the Knights of the Vale can defeat Stannis's weakened army? Will he even attack or will he strike a deal with Stannis?

I just took him as saying the rape scene was problematic.

You may be right. Sansa has had to deal with two of the most psychotic guys around, Joffrey and then Ramsay. And also Cersei. She was badass when she told off Myranda during her bath.

So Matt Dillon is stuck in the Dome?

"But he's still leaving his main bargaining chip (Sansa) hundreds of miles away in a North where there is no generally accepted legitimate political authority, an open war between Stannis and the Boltons, scheming Northern lords of suspect loyalties, Ironborn raiders, and now even Wildlings."

As Littlefinger told Sansa, he's betting on Stannis. Stannis will likely defeat Bolton and make Sansa Wardeness of the North because of Ned's support for Stannis's claim. If Littlefinger bends the knee to Stannis and bring the Vale to support him, that will probably be good enough for Stannis considering how long

It's like getting a zombie bite unless your father hires all of the maesters and healers in the seven kingdoms to cure you.

Some awesome comments with ideas I didn't think of and some with thoughts I agree with.

haha, isn't that often the case on the Internet? No that they are necessarily right but that "there are more of them."


The way Martin lays it out, the Gods flip a coin every time a Taragaryen is born. They're either mad or awesome like Rhaegar. Barristan saw Rhaegar in her.