Allen Wren

I found The Brawl to be one of the biggest letdowns, actually. I'm generally pretty good at turning off my mind and not seeing the parts where the special effects aren't quite so special, but watching that the first time when it came out, especially after so much wirework and seeing the actors on-screen, actually

It is the sort of hit you need to find some of the terrible, terrible jokes in The Big Hit even remotely funny.

I only know of this as a VHS tape of it being a McGuffin in the so-bad-it's-not-really-good-but-it-is-kind-of-confusingly-skeevy late-nineties Marky Mark action-comedy vehicle The Big Hit.

Anthony can at least sing backup.

"roadie for the Melvins circa 1993" is a historical period, I guess

I was about to say "what about Kate Bush" but no, wait, you said faeries, we're good.

The pictures clearly are meant to reflect Scenes Of Great Dramatic Import that those in the fandom would get all weepy over, while I'm just over here going "I don't know what any of this means."

Like the Fjord Pjinto.

please don't politicize funnel cakes

You're short a Tonight for that one.

I'm talking about me at, like, age 19, which is to say "aggressive and stupid," so yes. You are factually correct.

I think it's an element of the comments section here showing up on disqus. People from other parts of the internet showing up to tell us godless commies what's what. It's definitely been on the increase in the last few years.

at the mind-bogglingly fantastic speed of one minute per minute

Adding to the regional chorus, it was a "kamikaze" in my particular middle school in northeastern PA.

I don't like his movies. I don't really like what little I know of his personality through interviews and the like. But I think he has the capacity for a good movie. He just…hasn't.

That is actually what it was referred to in the part of Northeastern Pennsylvania that I lived in when I was old enough to be aware that Halloween was a thing that happened and young enough to be told not to go out on mischief night because of the creeps who'd be wandering around.

I do. Unfortunately, the only episodes on youtube appear to have been run through eight petroleum jelly filters so they're not only old, weird and kinda bad, they're unwatchable at the same time.

At the rate I see movies, I will probably see 1-2 of these, however, I absolutely had to comment in support of the AV Club talking shit about Pluggers, a fucking terrible comic.

60 hrs. is bullshit, but yeah, that's "only" in the neighborhood of twice what I make. Gonna go get depressed again.

Wasn't that material straight-up not written yet when the movie was made? I know the manga was running for like another few years after the flick came out…