Allen Wren

I am massively unsurprised. Also a lot of tech people just rub me the wrong way. I dunno. Maybe I'm just jealous of their paychecks.

Uh, Keith. Earlier in the year. It sucked.

I've only been to one show where the venue (or maybe the band) provided earplugs.

One of my exes was from Pittsburgh, and she tried to explain the guy to me once, since he's something of a local hero out that way. I found out he's definitely a great, underrated power-pop guy once I put on the record, though.

Fuck if I know, I'm not in tech.

I could have sworn I heard people saying it got up to, like, the Triangle and Hyde Park. I stand corrected.

It's not like it's really all of Austin, nowhere near in fact. It gets just north of the University, right about where the numbered streets run out, which is still a good ten miles south of the city limits, and another ten miles past that to the edge of the metro. Google Fiber goes to a lot of rich white folks

Not even really that - as far as pop radio was concerned, Oasis was a thing from the UK that had some hit tunes! ….and that was it. Until "Song 2" hit alt-radio here (and very shortly afterwards), Blur had basically no traction here.

"and indie obviously continued to flourish, for those who had the wherewithal to seek it out"

VH1 Classic is generally garbage during the day, but they run video blocks all through the late night—-I DVR those, run them whenever I want to pretend I still live in a world where there's a place where music videos are relevant.

What literally the fuck is happening in this comments section?

It's legit, even though it sounds like sorcery. Heat the pins, they expand, the only direction they can expand is back in the direction they bent from, making the fit tighter.

I totally need to hear this as well, I've got some things I don't want to lose from VHS.

Two main things to look at with a flashing NES - one, replace or repair your cart connector (the pins can get bent out of shape, making contact iffy), and you can also see about disabling the NES10 lockout chip, part of Nintendo's copy protection and entirely irrelevant to actually playing games—-but an aged NES10 can

It's actually short for El Producto.

I honestly clicked on the headline expecting this to be an announcement that Gyo was optioned by Hollywood.

It's hard to tell when the dude gay-baited so hard he practically burst into flames two albums earlier. IN FACT

Fifteen-year-old me would agree with you. I was into action and crime and all that and was like "El Mariachi meets Pulp Fiction? FUCK YES." Fifteen-year-old me was also terrified of horror movies and basically anything gross would just send me running for the hills, so I turned it off in revulsion when the vampires

For real though, the number of shows I've seen every episode of can probably be counted on a single hand because I just don't have the patience for TV. And offhand, it's like…House and The Prisoner, and one is clearly worse than the other.

I guess I hate joy? I mean, it at least has the fact that it doesn't take a giant setting-inappropriate music-based shit going for it.