Allen Wren

A little bit, yeah.

Yeah, but those were always a random scramble of garbage blocks in different shades. This is someone who started one of those, since it lists that they got eleven lines, but then they just started stacking complete blocks without bothering to rotate them or anything—-the column on the right between the two Os and the


I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate Luhrmann.

Probably House.

technically, this checks out: kanye is the greatest kanye to ever kanye

I will basically listen to anything Colin Hay feels like doing, but I've gotta have a glance at this animator's stuff, I've never seen him before, but it's great. A real peanut-butter-and-chocolate video.

Who literally the fuck is playing the game in the article header graphic? That is some massively bad play, and they're dropping that 4-long horizontally down the left side? What the fuck.

Yeah, but then they run a whole 'nother herd of lemmings off a cliff and call it scientific fact and the kids are fucked up on wrong ideas for another fifty years.

No, see, The Goodies are these three guys, and they have this bicycle, right? And they go to places to solve your problems for you, and—-aw, forget it.

It wouldn't be the same, no, but who could replace those two? I posit there are none.

I'm not much for Corden on late night, but I want ESPN to hire him to start filming A League of Their Own US. Love that show.

As a teenager, I tried to turn my peers on to Blur. Didn't work. In college, I tried to turn them onto Spaced. Didn't work. As a twenty-something, I tried to turn them onto the bizarre cult quasi-musical "Get Crazy." Didn't work. As a thirty-something, I tried to turn them onto Phonogram. Doesn't work, but they do end

Oh, I've got people who know what to do/how to get or grow good mushrooms/are willing to babysit neophytes/etc. in my social circle, that wouldn't be a problem, it's more carving out the time in both my and their schedules.

I'm not that great at communicating my ideas verbally unless I've had a lot of prep time to sort of craft the story I want to tell. I try my hardest to stay out of arguments or debates because I generally only get about three sentences in before my main thrust of argument becomes "fuck you, that's why."

Yeah, when I'm not catching up on car repairs/cats to the vet/student loans/etc., I am getting the fuck back on the couch. I feel better about my age some days than others, and it's pretty obvious I'm having a couple major downer days here. Brain chemicals will even out and I'll have some better perspective on it.

I just expect at this point that every edgelord over a certain age is going to take a dig at safe spaces because OH UNIVERSITIES ARE CODDLING OUR YOUTH blah blah echo chamber blah blah free speech blah blah back in my day blah blah without any recognition that all the dumb shit that happened to them in the past

I could not imagine wanting to do anything sexual while even thinking of Junji Ito, so there's that.


The big thing I'm taking away from my post in the light of day is that I come off as way too hard on the people around me. It's not that they're not good people. They're very good. They are supportive. The reason why I'm bringing this here and and not just dumping it on them (again) is because they've more often than