Allen Wren

can’t edit? - welp, if kinja actually showed replies properly, I’d have seen someone already said that.

Not entirely. The dude was mayor of a major Ohio city before doing TV.

I have spent the last twenty years or whatever trying my best to ignore everyone post-Knuckles

Jakeoti is the wrongest man since the mayor of wrong came to wrongtown.


my guess it's just part of the ongoing "some nazi fucker does something shitty and the right immediately says that's what the left is doing" strategy.

Yeah, there was sort of a "things are quiet now" vibe. Rolling on, a train crossing the road probably a good kilometer away.

Honestly, one of the funniest things I've ever seen is this incredibly low-key video Green did (that seems to have vanished from the internet, sadly) where he's driving through the middle of nowhere somewhere in Canada and starts rambling about (and performing the act of) "ghost riding the whip." I dunno what it was,

Oh come on, Snuff was great.

POR4 had Big in Japan, the backed-by-Primus leadoff track from Waits' Mule Variations.

"an album of sea shanties"

Borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties.

I think he's going for the kung fu carradine thing

to be fair, I'd watch Quent's flick about a pastry chef (who presumably has samurai-flick knifework), sunday school teacher (who is presumably some sort of gun-running nazi) and a crossing guard (who is presumably uma thurman)

So, I Before E Except After E.

I'd rather just a big ol' download folder of files because streaming sucks.

As a total fan of the original (I think it's the best of the pre-Star Wars wave of dystopian sci-fi flicks that gave us Soylent Green, Logan's Run and the like) I have seen it, but have definitely tried to scrub the experience from my brain. It's hung up on the idea of extremeness in the same way XXX is, but much less

Aglets. For the last goddamn time, aglets.

Well, it's either that or they fall asleep watching Dragnet.

We actually do keep "who throws a shoe, honestly" in our household's vocabulary for complete bafflement over an action or a method.