Allen Wren

I imagine this has been said already, but the reason Daria looks like that is because she's meant to look reasonable alongside Beavis and Butthead, neither of whom are all that good at looking normal either. Yes, there is a larger dialogue here that is worth taking on but the headline is pretty bad guys.

Posted 9 am yesterday, I check AV club in the afternoon before work today, it's the very last thing in the newsfeed. I swear, it's like someone's trying to make sure that I miss every single article about undercover before it starts. The nomination thread, missed that by like two months, and I know I'm not the only

I've always liked the record, and its fantastic, bizarre message, and I did buy into the whole "Mangum went a bit nuts after touring on the record and decided to hole up and do the hermit thing" legend, but I never had religious fervor* for it, nor was I somehow soured by the idea that the band might ever get back

I will have to think about doing the same if/when my own crew gets back together.

"Filled Me With Funeral" is my new grindcore EP.

He's a Whore is possibly one of my favorite songs of all time. It's just so fucking catchy, I'm basically constantly ready to sing along if it's on.


I rather like the Gin Blossoms—-however, if you replace "Rent" with the GB album title "New Miserable Experience", it pretty well sums up my feelings about that show.

This is a big, big chunk of what fucked me up back in the day and contributed to a lot of time in the closet. My sexuality was basically "yes, please, dudes, ladies, whatever you've got" but I couldn't deal with basically everything that culture was telling me that gay people were about. (I know now that a lot of that

hence domal warming

It's me, I'm the idiot old man who cares too much about his record collection who has never liked a Disney song. Not even when Tom Waits sings it. Hell, I wished I liked anything as much as the Disney fanatics I encounter in my social circles like Disney.

Well I'll be god damned

Ritchie's "I'm done with rock music, now I only play medieval sorcerer music with my wife" thing is just so fucking weird.

Only once per fight, though.

Generally, that's suspected to be a worn out 72-pin connector, basically where the rubber meets the road with the front-loading NES consoles—-or, more specifically, where the cartridge connects to the console. It's the single component that gets the most stress. Straightening the pins of the connector is one of the

…are you calling from Newbridge?

Yeah, I'm creeped out now.

Oh my god, he looks approximately eight years old.

Some time back, my girlfriend and I (who are into weird games of all sorts, often bad ones) picked up an amazing cold war artifact of a board game called Save The President. While the core concept seems reasonable (KGB and CIA operatives in DC attack and defend the President's motorcade as it rolls through town), and