Allen Wren

Wait, 2? What the hell happened to the original RASF?

I'm sorry about your case of bad opinions, the doctors told me it's terminal?

I don't discount the fact that the Factory was where a lot of really groundbreaking and influential shit went down, my problem is with the way the book presents the ex-Factory types as a nattering chorus punctuating every anecdote with "oh but we did it first/they only did it because of us." It comes off as this idea

Came here to basically post this, because Please Kill Me is fucking miserable. Like, not only is it entirely not about the music, it's also absolute horseshit in that basically every time anybody does anything in the course of the narrative, it's immediately followed by some shitass third-tier Factory hanger-on

For the love of god, Talking Heads recorded more than Once in a Lifetime. I love that song, but it seems like it's the only thing of theirs that resonates in pop culture anymore.

Ugh, brutal. Works v.1 was one of the first albums I encountered, and it tripped my single-digit brain out in the best way. It's not the group's finest moment, but fuck it, I dug it. They were my gateway band to King Crimson and literally any group that had wild keyboards, so a lot of Chick Corea and the like—-a lot

I'll stand up for the first Mortal Kombat movie. It is totally a martial arts movie where color-coded ninjas try and kill a dude in sunglasses for an hour and a half, which is shockingly true to the games. It's a lot of fun if you're 12, which I believe I was when it came out.

I was just about to say that. Love the original, but the NPs are basically the most Mac-y band since Fleetwood Mac, what with the vocal harmonies and great pop hooks.

Every time I hear a new one from these guys, I have the exact same reaction:

It actually is. At the bottom of the page, "© 2016 VinceGill.com All Rights Reserved."

Sorry, can't hear you, too busy bobbing my head.

I'm the bad who doesn't watch Fargo, but knows Woodbine from his appearance as the corrupt senator The Elephant in the video game Payday 2 and the constantly-masturbating hit man Crunch in the fascinatingly terrible post-Funky Bunch pre-respected-actor Mark Wahlberg vehicle The Big Hit.

It's been a decade for me. You get used to it.

Weirdly, there's a billboard for this (like a real, full-size billboard) just off of the main interstate running through downtown Austin. Like 90% of the billboards on that stretch of road are for booze, so it's surprising for multiple reasons, not just the strangeness of a movie billboard outside of LA.

Velocity Girl is so, so good. Before my band broke up, we started every practice with that one just to get our shit together, and it never stopped being fun.

Nothing, it's a great book.

He just wanted to share with us his recipe for easy-to-prepare rice!

That's a thing of the Atlantic divide—-they'd been around in the UK for a full decade before they tried the idea out in the US.

According to the movie, it does indeed shoot lasers. It's also solar-powered and makes an annoying 'wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' noise everywhere it goes. (It is in fact one of my favorite shitty movies.)