Allen Wren

Meat the Loaf

I will simply, respectfully, disagree - and leave it there.

From the third paragraph of the very first entry: "William Carlos Williams, a vastly overrated poet"

Never more has the Taco Bell Bell account been missed.

Because I had a brief stint in the late 90s as a spookykidTM, I am of course wondering if they're going to try reaching out to Jhonen Vasquez.

How the fuck should I know?

If we expand it to "got thoroughly owned as", we can include Ronin.

It used to! …then it folded and the building got taken over by
something that calls itself a "culinary tavern." I'm not even joking.

That movie is a fantastically terrible…something. The Supervan itself is rad as hell, though, the stupid noise it got in post aside.

This is the one thing I have found to be true in this life: No one thinks Tool fans are the scum of the earth more than other Tool fans.

I know I'm a zillion years late to be making this comment, and it's one I'll probably get hung out to dry for, if anyone happens across this article in the future and decides to read the comments.

I love love love the alternate ordering on the LP version, and the Infinite Sadness instrumental is fucking great. Owning MCIS on LP is a must for me, I've just never had the money.

I'm sorry about your terminal case of bad opinions, author. Porcelina and Ruby are practically the thesis statements for the set. Bullet and 1979 are good songs, but most of the singles on this album have always felt like outliers to me. The idea that the long stuff is a slog leads to the idea that this should have

Completely why I clicked on this link. Ctrl-F straight to this comment.

Source your quotes.

Would watch the all-bamboo-eating remake, "Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda."

There's a simple way around that. Lie.

I work in theater (audio tech/stage
manager/guy-who-yells-at-actors/etc.) and yet I hate this movie with a
burning passion while literally all my co-workers and basically every
cast I've ever worked with adore it. I play it off as being "allergic to
camp", which usually gets a laugh, but at the same time, I will watch

This is not a comment that should go unexpounded-upon.