Allen Wren

…I'm also a man out of time in that I don't have a blu-ray player. Or an HDTV. I will probably see if there's a VHS of it lurking at my local goodwill, come the holiday season. There almost has to be.

I've never watched Muppet Christmas Carol, since the one time my family tried, renting it on VHS soon after it came out, a fuse blew in the VCR about thirty seconds into the movie. (I know this because my stepfather, an electrical engineer, got out his multimeter and troubleshot the thing) I've never gotten around to


And here we see the true monster.

I was hoping for Space Mutiny, but that's MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE

Ever since being introduced to his work through second-hand retellings of his anecdotes by my girlfriend, who devours his books, I've had a massive respect for the man and his work, but finding out that the things that did happen to some of his patients are things that can happen has somewhat added to my complete and

It's not like there's a nearby tower.

See, El Paso is one thing, but then there's the SEQUEL, El Paso City, which I've only heard covered by the Meat Puppets, but it's a Marty Robbins original that starts off with him flying over modern-day El Paso in a plane, then having past life regression right then and there to the fictional cowboy that gets his shit

Mine is "Need You Now", which on one side is the amazingly awesome OMD ripoff synthpop-dance song by Cut Copy and on the other, from the same year, is the Grammy-winning bland-as-shit pop-country tune by Lady Antebellum, whom I'd very much like to set on fire, mostly because of their fucked-up name.

Great Escape? Blur's greatest album?

It's weird, I'd never really heard of the guy, since I never got into wrestling, but I was at the last show on the current Mountain Goats tour the other night, and as the lights went down and the band was about to walk on stage, over the PA, they played the Hard Times promo. I always end up finding out about people

Sure, but the games in London in past years (which all sold out or near enough) have been held in the afternoon there, which is one of the reasons that they keep sending the Jaguars there. Nobody's going to care about missing a Jags game.

Wait. 9:30 at night? Don't you mean morning? Half-past 9 PM in the states would be before sunrise in the UK.

I thought it was another Descendents compilation

Where would you even have "the" star wars convention?

Now I'm going to have to google and see if there's a death metal band called Self Inflicted and if they've got a song called Shotgun To Face. If there isn't, I gotta go write it.

I also ended up with HS, Beasties and Bruce in my list. Coincidences are weird.

Bouncing Souls - Wig
Beastie Boys - Time to Build
Hold Steady - Lord, I'm Discouraged
Radiohead - Vegetable
Bruce Springsteen - The Promised Land (live)
Parliament - I Call My Baby Pussycat
Warren Zevon - FM Broadcast, 4/24/78

Saw the headline, immediately thought Frank Black and wondered how the Dow Jones was doing when Surfer Rosa came out.

Also, one page into the first GRIMNOIR, we have a noble immigrant farmer stock character in california during the depression complaining about the okies coming in and sucking off the government teat. And eight pages into the second GRIMNOIR, there's a craaaaazy socialist strawman who's plotting to kill FDR because he