Allen Wren

My father, who's a giant leftist hippie, loves Correia's books as mindless entertainment. He's lent me the first two MHIs and the first two of the dude's other series THE GRIMNOIR CHRONICLES which are an alt-history taking place after WWI but is also kind of like the X-Men since people are popping up with "powers."

What does regret mean?

I know this is just gonna get buried under all the comments, but far and away my #1 for this year is the latest New Pornographers. That thing is murderously good, and I'm sad to see it not hit the big list here.

I was just about to post this exact same thing, except I almost did it in a new post because I thought it was spelled "crossley." Whoops.

I have only heard some of these guys' stuff, and for that I am sad. I need to just go and consume all (no pun intended) their records, OD on the stuff.

Hey, I'm at least level one. Maybe two.

I know it's the obvious joke, but this guy basically does not exist, to me, because my brain only recognizes of the actor of the same name. What's the first flick I should watch from this guy to get my shit sorted so that I can get my brain to produce a disambiguation page much like the one it's got for Warren Ellis

I've always best liked Corden on A League of Their Own. I can't answer a single goddamn question about cricketers, but I am all for him keeping the show running as pop stars take penalty kicks or they dump Jimmy Carr in an ice bath. It's fun.

DIN 1451 is rad as fuck as fonts go. My problem is Fox's scoreboard font. I can't tell the difference between the 1 and the 2. Maybe I'm just getting old and blind but if I turn on the TV and I can't tell if that's 24-7 or 14-7 instantly, you done fucked it up.

I don't know what an A220 stilleto is (presumably a shoe) but all I can imagine is that the shoe is tuned down an entire octave for maximum low-end riffage.

I really like the primers, but it really seems like a lot of the ones that come out these days are 101: the early albums, intermediate: the middlish albums, advanced: the later stuff? Am I hallucinating?

I'm still not sure how I feel about the DLM record as a whole, but I will forever think that Memories absolutely slays.

I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I just have to put in for Velvet Kevorkian by Strapping Young Lad. It's a blaring digital klaxon for like eight bars, then straight into one of the heaviest and most ridiculous heavy metal intros ever. It probably has about eight more instances of the word 'fuck' than

Came specifically looking for this one. Come on, guys.

See, I like Billy Joel and Genesis, but I can't stand even thirty seconds of Steinman, no matter who's singing. His arrangements give me migraines and his lyrics give me agita. Like, I can understand criticizing Bruce Springsteen for trying to say something and occasionally not doing a very good job, but Steinman's

Now I'm imagining a Scanners Kelly Kartoon.

Clearly he needs a MegaText Mobility Text Pager to read those things.

So, I'm annoyed at Fantagraphics. I started getting into Love and Rockets via the early-90s tpb collections, which said inside that they'd "never" go out of print. And yet, they have, and are being superseded by these new versions that are completely incompatible with the 90s printings, which I've been still trying to

Thaaaat's the one. Okay.

I thought the Vines were Danish. What the fuck am I thinking of?