Allen Wren

Chino gets a couple of killer namechecks in the refrain of the Mountain Goats song "Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into the Water, Triumph of"

I've never watched the American The Office, but apparently there's an episode that takes place in a party boat on Lake Wallenpaupack; I'm a graduate of Wallenpaupack Area High, whose football field is a mere stone's throw from the shore of that not-entirely-august body of water. I was born in New Jersey, however, and

I honestly end up suspecting every audiobook is snobby and intellectual because of the sorts of people I interact with on a regular basis who claim them as their standard gym entertainment are the sort who are REALLY INTO DeLillo. I have never actually read any of Ellroy's stuff.

Curses. The Bonzos were far too clever for their own good far too long before my own birth and consciousness and need to be snide about things. I still think I might use that title, though.

Seriously, it's a comedy goldmine. Even more amazingly, there's a series of tunes, I think all covers, he did with the Mamas and the Papas backing him up. Hearing that dude lurch through You've Got To Hide Your Love Away and California Dreamin' is something else entirely.

"Blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin'" makes me crack up laughing literally every time I hear that song.

I seriously want to record an EP called "Election's Over. Government Won." or something like that now.

Hardcore fans are so caught up in deciding what is and what isn't hardcore that they never actually get around to listening to any music. When my younger brother started getting into crossover and d-beat stuff I mentally went something like "oh god please don't let him start caring about hardcore"

He doesn't listen to music, he listens to audiobooks. Snobby, intellectual audiobooks.

I'm actually somewhat interested in this; Idol had one of the best moments on Tony Iommi's weird guest-laden solo album from the early 2000s, sneering about vampires and declaring that they can suck his dick. I'm not even exaggerating.

So hey, notifications work! Amazing.

I'm sorry? I don't think people are bad or wrong for liking it, I just…don't. A lot.

I figured exactly the same thing, but putting the comments in "best" order reveals that the stuff that got in early and got popular…isn't bad. If they use those, it'll probably be a pretty good season.

Uh, how are they splitting it up if there's an odd number of drums? So, each side gets a kick, two floors, one of the rack toms…but who gets the long tom in the middle?

I was really excited about this for a moment. I'm not much for water parks, but I figured, hey, world record holder. I didn't even know there was more than one Schlitterbahn.

I hate this film with such bile that I cannot help but sneer at the very mention of the title. It is literally four or five of my top ten most hated films.

I tended to get good games for my birthday and other holidays (Crystalis, Battle Chess, NES Ice Hockey, Mechwarrior/Crescent Hawks' Inception/CH's Revenge) and terrible ones for Christmas (Back to the Future, Destination Earthstar) So my Christmas gaming memories weren't…the greatest, let's say. Though I did end up

Not even Pole Position; you got Sega's slightly-dumber entry into the field, Turbo, which was packed in with the CV wheel.

…how the dick did that comment post without me being logged in?

@avclub-43c56ae116052515266bd0a0ddfd12fc:disqus You mean Soul Asylum.