
Neither did Mister Rogers.

"I'm tuned to Fox News right now. Do it. Do it Tina. Everyone calls you Tina, right? My source says everyone calls you Tina."

This administration is like a production of King Lear mixed with Julius Caesar mixed with a direct-to-DVD sequel to Idiocracy put on by a frat on the last day of Greek Week.

Isn't this guy purporting to be a goomba with mad infighting skills? Because I've met more threatening preschoolers.

Look, it's all cover for the Dudley Do-Right cinematic universe reboot where Cavill will play Snidely Whiplash.

Palpatine took over, drained the swamp, and took the military-industrial complex strictly Empire. R&D kinda suffered. Plus, a lot of the procurement budget went to some project called "Stardust".

Bullwinkle: Hey Rocky, watch me pull a handkerchief out of my hat. *sobs*

From Poe Dameron's dad.

Steampower Gray - starring Helen Mirren.

Only after Sgt. Pepper checks out. Dead Man's Boots.

Heh, "euph".

At least 50% of the adventuring parties I was in, even after adventuring together for years, would stab each other in the back for 20 gold pieces and a tavern wench. Not a lot of paladins.

She had some viscous things to say about Batman v Superman.

Um, because they all know that his password is "foxyivanka123".

And yet there are those of us currently serving who don't. Maybe the "silent majority" should just continue to STFU.

Forgetting that little old ladies will cut you for something as innocuous as jumping the buffet line at Golden Corral.

You don't tug on Superman's cape / You don't spit into the wind / You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger / And you don't mess around with Jim / You also stand your ass respectfully on the side of the street when Ms. De Havilland walks by / Or else

For exactly one movie. She kills franchises!

Dante fighting his way through assassins from Boston back to Leonardo, NJ, constantly exclaiming that he wasn't even supposed to be here today, steadily supplied with super gadgets from Silent Bob's overcoat.

I think that to register a "personal brand" you should actually have to get a personal brand (Crazy R, Lazy W). On live TV.