
The could cast The Rock as The Doctor, and a story like "Fear Her" would still suck. People act like just one thing, the actor, is responsible for the success or failure of the show. Only Tom Baker is that good.

1) I'm with you
b) the interwebs

There's going to be a Robotech movie!!!!!!!!!!
Emma Stone will be Minmei.
Seriously, though, if the Veritechs are done well, I'm there.

Sorry about the flash pots. Wigs are flammable. Merch in the back.

heads / own ass / vote Trump

It's not the years, it's the improperly used units of measurement.

We should all be as lucky as Rory Gilmore.

And he was buds with Yoda.

"…like a Wookiee Robert Plant." Chills.

It's cyberpunk, so I'll watch it. It looks pretty good, and "looks" pretty good. Plus it's got Han Solo, Drax, Buttercup, and an Atari shout out. On the other hand, it has Gosling trying to usurp Tommy Lee Jones for best "K", and no Emma Stone.

As long as he lays off the Arbor Gold, he'll be fine. Well, that and the fried Twinkies wrapped in bacon dipped in butter.

The Impossible Mission Force had a surplus sale.

Every single time Rourke is onscreen in IM2 I want to scream "Stop 'acting'!"

Erskine: No no, wait wait. What am I doing? No, you have a procedure tomorrow. No fluids.
Rogers: All right, we'll drink it after.
Erskine: No, I don't have a procedure tomorrow. Drink it after? Drink it now.

I cannot wait for the DVD so I can watch that part over and over and over.

"RC and a moon pie" is a pre-existing condition.

Damn, I missed that! 100% correct. It's got that four-color vibe in spades. And Hayley Atwell.

Winter Soldier and Civil War, stat!

He can always go back to the Bourne franchise. Wait… the Hansel & Gretel franchise! Wait… the Mission:Impossible franchise! Unless Simon Pegg has usurped the useless sidekick role.

Black Widow, because Feige is tired of everyone bitching about how she hasn't gotten a solo movie yet.