He'll never win the nomination, since it's really the party establishment that pick the nominee.
He'll never win the nomination, since it's really the party establishment that pick the nominee.
I may be the only one here that hated Rushmore. I've liked everything else of Anderson's that I've seen, but really hated Rushmore. But then, I also hate Jason Schwartzman, so that probably didn't help.
That's the most intelligent thing I've ever read in conjunction with "free Mumia."
This is 3 Hatesongs in a row where a) I know the song and b) I wholeheartedly agree on how terrible it is.
He also backed off the Bush family's long-time support of Planned Parenthood as a sop to the Reagan camp as well.
OK - Live It Up, Hey Baby, Great White Buffalo.
Worthington's Law.
That bugged me, too. How does he get to be a professional photographer and make that mistake?
Actually, aren't 47% of Americans deadbeats? I'm pretty sure Fox New and Mitt Romney wouldn't lie about that.
Don't think I've read a better description of why Sutter was so good for The Shield and so bad for Sons.
My old band once owned a 31-band EQ that had been owned previously by Sha Na Na. We had no solid evidence of this other than the word of the guy we bought it from, but, seriously, who would lie about that?
Dammit! I wanted to post this and was certain that no one else would even know that I was talking about.
The show I saw was in Worcester in Dec '19. It was Gilby's second show. I bought tickets the night before and was in the second row (they would open up seats after setting the stage up).
Axl made GnR an hour and a half late when I saw them in 1991. It was still, hands down, the best show I've ever seen. And whoever is second best isn't even close.
Do you understand the concept of hyperbole used for comic effect? You might not find it funny, but that doesn't mean he was giving a factual account of something that actually occurred.
That's the worst. Oh, your chest felt like it was being crushed and your left arm was numb? Spend two days in the hospital so we can say, "Fucked if I know…"
What am I missing here? I don't see anything to indicate that Taibbi was actually molesting young girls. It looks more to me like the kind of thing Hunter Thompson wrote all the time - full of hyperbole and almost certainly 99% untrue. It's clearly misogynist, but I'm missing where he's a "serial molester."
Hey, guys! The Commish here does seem like a good egg. Let's not get him. Not just yet, anyway.
She was also Anne Boleyn in The Tudors.
But you didn't deny being a 1%-er! Get him!