Well, I'm probably in the top 10% - 15% (and, yes, quite comfortable; no, not rich) , but I wouldn't assume to be close to the likes of Natalie Dormer.
Well, I'm probably in the top 10% - 15% (and, yes, quite comfortable; no, not rich) , but I wouldn't assume to be close to the likes of Natalie Dormer.
Look, everyone - it's a 1%-er! Get him!
I'm pretty sure Radio Shack has been a front for the mob for years. Who the fuck buys anything there? (Well, aside from me, when I need some weird fuse or a resistor or something.) People aren't actually buying their twice-the-price-of-Duracell batteries are they?
Her voice/songs always creeped me out. They sound fake and/or a product of inbreeding.
Her looks always creeped me out. She looks fake and/or a product in inbreeding.
Nope. That 'Taurus' lawsuit is nonsense that will be thrown out of court. First off, you can't copyright an arpeggio (which is essentially the only similarity) and second, Spirit's former bass player has no standing to take it to court (and the guy that wrote it, the late Randy California, was aware of the…
Animals is the best Pink Floyd album. I mean, that's just science.
I thought Led Zeppelin was the band that everyone around these parts hates because they stole everything. Apparently, it's the Stones, too, now. Good to know.
My grandmother HATED Vatican II because it allowed mass to be said in English. She had zero understanding of Latin, but it sounded "more holy."
That's really mind boggling to me. Going down on a woman is my favorite part of sex.
I didn't say I wouldn't watch it when it comes out on cable or Netflix or whatever, but considering I found The Exorcist pretty hilarious when it came out (I was 11 at the time), I don't expect to be scared in the least. I mean Babadook? Really? I'd be more terrified of a movie called Goofy Goober.
I don't care how scary it is supposed to be, I simply can't take seriously something called The Babadook.
I always like to say that any Colin Farrell performance would be improved if he were replaced by Will Ferrell.
When you someone ate it?
I would pay $85 per flight for TSA PreCheck. The fact that it's $85 for five years is just amazing.
Is there a bridge in Magic Man that I'm not aware of? Because otherwise, you're wrong.
Candace Bergen needs to sue this prick.
Well, except that no one banned Dukes of Hazzard. A few networks pulled the show because the felt the backlash would out weigh the (shitty) profits that they get from the (shitty) show. Not that you'd expect Limbaugh's audience to understand that.
My brother bought his wife an 8-track tape deck as a gift recently. She loved it, despite owning no 8-track tapes. Note that she also recently had him buy her a 1982 Chevette that she loves. (To be fair, it had only about 60K original miles, cost $600 and is in great shape.)