Ours was "Fortran Programming for Business Applications."
Ours was "Fortran Programming for Business Applications."
You know what really sucks about the AV Club? There's literally no way to describe "Schrödinger's combover" to people that don't read the AV Club comments. It really has to be read in the context of the article, the thread and the dick-nosed people making the comment. In any event, I laughed harder at that than…
That's the most amazing thing about this film - it manages to be suspenseful despite the fact that you know the outcome.
I will grant that it is more than just the first 4 notes, but Taurus has a simple descending bass line over an arpeggio (Stairway is a little more complex than that, but not much). And once the 4-note bass line is over, the songs diverge dramatically.
What, exactly, is "truly legitimate" about it? Both songs have the same first 4 notes, which are simply an arpeggio. After those notes, the songs diverge completely.
"But then every guitar player I ever played with (including myself) had very little ego"
What Is Life is such a great song. But then so is Mannish Boy. And so is Monkey Man. Damn, Scorcese knows how to pick songs…
Isn't it great that you think he's all paranoid until it turns out that there are actually helicopters following him?
You can make your own for way less, like I did. http://imgur.com/urvkLg8
Doctors refused to let my wife have a tubal after having her first child at 21. On the plus side, we wouldn't have my daughter if she'd had it done. On the minus side, who the fuck are they to tell someone that's ALREADY had children that they can't get one?
I remember being shocked at how awful Downey looked in this. I half expected him to die in the middle of the film, even though I knew that he hadn't.
He should be flagged for not spelling 'Frehley" correctly.
Recently saw a bar advertising a DJ opening for another DJ. Not some famous DJs in NYC or something, just a couple of local guys at a dive bar in Orange City, FL.
You've clearly never been to Salem if you think that they have a problem with the "witch thing." This is on the local police cruisers: https://pbs.twimg.com/profi…
And how is that my fault?
From 'No Reply' on, this list is more or less spot on, but damned if nearly everything before that didn't make me want to kill babies.
Annie Hall is supposed to be the ne-plus-ultra of Woody Allen films, but it's really the first "Woody Allen" film and, frankly, I like Woody Allen films a lot more than I like "Woody Allen" films.
No, we cannot.
I do know a musician that makes his living solely from music. He does work quite a bit (he's musical director for a local archdiocese, teaches guitar and piano and has some other music-related job with UMass), but he can afford an average-priced house and his wife doesn't have to work. Note that he's a prodigy…
I always say that smoking is awesome. And I'm really glad I quit.