Buck Dharma Initiative

Thanks. I love Spectres, but I'm partial to Secret Treaties. Then again, Spectres doesn't have Cagey Cretins on it, which is the only BOC song that I actually hate.

We used to bring the kids to Disney World every year from the time my son was about 6. By the time he got to age 10 or 11, there was very little in the way of merch that interested him at all. My daughter, on the other hand, can find multiple things she wants in virtually every store at Disney and she's 20 years old…

Technical Ecstasy has one and a half good songs. All Moving Parts (Stand Still) is pretty good and Gypsy is flat-out awesome until about the two minute mark, then it becomes terrible for the rest of its running time (which is longer than the good part).

I loved the interview I saw where Dio talked about this. He said, "Gene Simmons claimed he invented it, but he claims he invented everything - shoes, breathing…"

I'll probably catch a ton of shit for this, but I hate Spaceballs. It's got every cheap, lazy joke in Mel Brooks' cheap, lazy joke book and then some.

A lot.

*cues up Reservoir Dogs*

Five Finger Death Punch was the headliner at a show I saw a few months ago. We were there to see Volbeat, who were awesome. FFDP were not only terrible, but the guy talked for about 5 minutes in between every song - well, at least for the 4 or 5 songs we stayed for.

Wasn't Agent Carter supposed to be a 10-episode one-off? Or am I thinking of something else?

The hologram is at the Legend of Jack Sparrow attraction at Hollywood Studios, not at Pirates of the Caribbean.

While I completely disapprove of this sort of use of holograms, the technology is pretty amazing. Watching you tube clips of the Tupac hologram didn't impress me at all, but in person, when properly done, it is virtually impossible to tell that it's not an actual human being.

I assume the two scenes you're referring to are 1) the one where Neve Campbell doesn't actually get naked and 2) the rest of the movie.

But has there ever been better casting than Theresa Russell as Denise Richards' mother in Wild Things?

The name of my acoustic duo is Campbell MacDonald for the very reasons outlined in this episode. I'm a Campbell, he's a MacDonald.

The trick is that you only use between a 1/4 and 1/3 of the salt packet.

Mrs. Initiative says she will shave her head if I shave my face completely. I know her too well to think that she's being hyperbolic. To her credit, she wants what I would call a "boy" haircut, but keeps it long for me (well, as long as I don't shave off the goatee).

I'm 52 and, despite having had a goatee since 1993 (neither my wife nor my daughter will allow me to shave it off, even temporarily), as recently as last year could not grow a full beard. Went about two months without shaving and it just looked like I had mange.

Some years ago some (straights) and I were discussing the logistics of MFM threesomes and coined a phrase that we still use and laugh about today. Your in an MMF threesome and feel something warm and wet on your leg. "That better be snot!"

According to Keith Richard's autobiography, that's more or less true - about the 60s in Britain, at least.

I used to be convinced that the reason that The Outlaws had so many guitarists is that they were too nice to ever fire one, even after they'd hired his replacement.