Chris Dahlen

Preview of Sleep is Death
If you're interested in "Sleep is Death," be sure to check out the fantastic preview Brandon Boyer wrote for BoingBoing.net, which explains in detail the game's mechanics and is also a marvel of web layout:

Well sure, I did too …

Hmm, that's weird. You might want to try it again, I've had a lot of interesting experiences with it. It's not perfect and the creators never claimed it was, but if you approach it as an experiment, and you focus on the times that it understand what you're saying (as opposed to all the times it goofs up), it's a

We definitely all have an imagination, and can tell stories - but I will say that what struck me playing with Jason is that it really puts you in this make-believe space, where you can tell each other a story without getting self-conscious and without feeling like breaking the fourth wall. I tried to push the edges

@ba (and everyone), thanks for the kind words - and thanks to everyone who didn't just run down here and shout "NOOB"!

I actually liked the keyword system in Ultima, where everyone would respond to NAME/JOB/BYE but you could also hit them with other keywords, once you knew about them.

Just to be clear and in case anyone thought he was putting on airs, we threw in his title. Neither Greg nor the publicists ever asked us to include that.

I agree with you that saving the world is cliche, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by how unimportant the fate of the galaxy feels in Mass Effect 2. You spend most of the game assembling your team for the big final mission, and along the way, you end up working with each of them to solve their problems, help

My bad. I checked the price and thought, "Hey, that's kinda like a sawbuck, no?" Turns out, no.

One other thing: Jennifer Hale's getting robbed for not getting props for voicing Ophelia. I don't even think this is her best voice work (it's no Shephard, or Bastila), but she is a name in game voice acting, and gamers should be hyping one of our own instead of getting all gooey that Jack Black is in the game.

Yeah, sadly, unlike you John I'm somebody who was never a metal fan, and about halfway through the game, still isn't. I'm starting to relate to all the people who said they couldn't get into Beatles: Rock Band because of the music.

There is a demo:

Try this (courtesy Matthew Gallant):

I'm glad everyone dug this interview - I was really privileged to spend so much time with Steve, and really appreciate that the AV Club would run such a long transcript. I learned a great deal from talking with Steve - he gave me a new perspective on horror, and I learned a great deal from his rigorous sense

I'm a huge Higgins fan as well - everyone should check out this novel. Fans of The Wire would probably love Higgins as well.

"She puts both the asses in assassin." - Ninja Ninja, the Afro Samurai game

And I don't want to sound argumentative. I just know this is a really sensitive point for people.

Well, actually, the one scene that clearly leads to a sexual encounter didn't even read to me as a rape. It was a girl just under the age of consent who puts herself into a situation with a man, who at worst seems to take advantage of her - but again, there are a lot of ways to read it. Which is one reason I linked

@Logoboros - I don't disagree with most of your points, and that's a great counterpoint to my positive review. This is a slow game - they even say it on the site. And I wonder if the execution would've been better with more map clues at the edge of the screen, or if the woods were smaller. Because you drive the

Oh, and what Logoboros said.