
Hell, I'd take a good Drew Struzan.

Hey Linklater, Blockbuster filmmakers like James Gunn love superheroes just as much as "serious" artists like you love boys.

I really wanted to see Glenn reach out of the car window clear the blood with his hand, squinting through the little hole a la John Goodman in Raising Arizona.

If this were 2003 I would def recommend Nathan Fillion. Remember when that was a thing?

I think you're absolutely right, There have been scenes previously of Stan trying to reconcile with his wife and she's just completely shut down and unresponsive. I think the fact that she broke down after Stan completely came clean about the affair (and moreso that he admitted to loving the other woman) means that

Pretty sure I can understand the finer points of immolation without seeing someone's brains coming out of their nose. How does seeing a video of the thing enlighten the discourse, anyway. "Oh, you mean he was set on fire AND brains came out of his nose? I was on the fence before, but now…"

I can't imagine why anyone would purposely watch a video like that. There are some small parts of my soul I want to leave intact.

I thought I was the only one.

Wait. Why is this a thing I'm reading on AVClub?

I want to say this story has been done before, but can't seem to think of any specific examples. Anyone?

This is actually pretty brilliant. I'm stealing it.

Looking back, yeah. I always seemed to gravitate to the second banana character. But at the time it was 'WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE, SOME KINDA GAY ASTRONAUT???' *gets pushed into wall*

When I was in second grade I wore a Masters of The Universe costume like these. I was not He-Man though, or even Skeletor. Shit, I wasn't even Ram Man.

Green screens?

No, not really. But Legolas was.

Stay out of my territory.

Could we get them both together at a party with James Franco and Shia? It would be like the news anchor battle royal from Anchorman, but for douchebags.

Yeah, I've been cast in it too. We're all in it, right?

You can clearly see the other actor's fist miss his face to the left in that GIF.

I demand to see the before and after of Hodor's… effects.