
My greatest memory of Perfect Dark was playing 2 on 2 capture the case on the Fortress map, and the weapon set was Devastators, Proximity Mines, and Laptop Guns. We must have totaled 200 hours playing with that exact game scenario. The trick was defending your area by under-mounting laptop guns below the overhang of

I am legitimately surprised that at least one third of this cast is still alive.

She should have spelled it phonetically. It's pronounced "brah-spitality."

yes, yes, yes. Chik Fil A does the waffle fries right.

If you were a child of 80s sitcoms, like I was, then it's pretty cute to imagine a universe where Henry from Bosom Buddies and Pete from Benson moved to New York and fell in love.

I am raising a Beagle puppy in NYC. On the fifth floor of a walk-up.

I came to this trailer specifically looking for car chases soundtracked to the Simon and Garfunkel song, dammit. I'll just wait for the movie, I guess. It's gotta be in there somewhere.

I was reminded that Suicide Squad existed too, unfortunately. And it won an Oscar last night. That's correct. Suicide Squad is an Acadamy Award winning film now.

Jackman has fulfilled his 9 movie deal as Wolverine.

AND Dick Van Dyke. Van Dyke was actually alive during Depression-era London.

I would also take an entire season of Carrie Coon and Regina King sharing a single scene together.

It's true. Ninjas are such a nuisance to modern society :(

The generational divide thing has always been overblown, in my opinion. You're not an aimless dreamer because you're a 'Millennial' or whatever. You're an aimless dreamer because you're 20, for God's sake.

Fair enough. For an accurate representation of the culture there they should at least show the villains brunching in the Virginia Highlands the morning after the big heist, followed by a leisurely outdoor beer festival in Candler Park. That's more the Atlanta I know.

I don't know about the Russian Mob part, but as someone who lived off Hosea Williams Drive for four years I might disagree with you on the "not especially dangerous" part.

HI McDunnough knows your pain.

Even a blatant copycat of that bit would be funnier than this.

I thought this was going to be something where bleeps were cleverly inserted into lines to make it sound like they were saying something dirty. Let's try that next time, Internet.

I actually saw Ryder in Atlanta back in October. She was staying in the same hotel I was. I saw her a few times standing outside smoking and she was absolutely gorgeous in person.

They both look better than Brad Renfro right now.