
And that it tastes like slightly sweetened pond water? YEAH, I SAID IT.

I don't mean to sound like a stick in the mud, but in my day you had either chaos OR shenanigans. Kids today are just spoiled.

Beat me to it. There is NOBODY that better suits that role.

1. De Stijl
2. White Blood Cells
3. Get Behind Me Satan
4. Elephant
5. The White Stripes
6. Icky Thump
…Everything else. By a wide margin.

I can't even think of a rational reason for the 'Danny Tanner videotaping his daughter's feet while she sleeps' scene that makes sense. Does anyone remember this episode?

I know he isn't the most masculine guy but that's a pretty low blow. How about a female Hilary Swank, at least?

I was simply red. I think the name of my friends' dad's Simply Red cover band was 'Complexly Red' though.

Well, I would have gladly preferred being inundated with The Led Zeppelin or The Pink Floyd over The Simply Red any day. So consider yourself fortunate.

I remember when I was 14 or 15 and my friend's dad was pissing all over Nirvana and Pixies, saying "You want some real Rock and Roll? Listen to this." And put on some Simply Red. I am red with anger and embarrassment just thinking about it now.

I still think it's so weird that the same guy who created this show created Six Feet Under. Talk about a left turn.

typed "Angry" and got a Dwight montage.

I heard Steven Seagal had similar reservations about playing the harrier jet in True Lies.

I don't know. He seemed like hind of a normal guy in the prequels, at least. He was right at home in the nightclub scene in Attack of the Clones, bellying up to the bar for a drink. I remember McGregor being quoted as saying he played Obi-Wan "as a bit of a lad."

Mayyybe. And maybe Darth Maul. But that's it.

I can imagine someone maybe poking a hole through her cardboard head and using it while they thought about a sentient being with blood coursing through their veins.

The Obi-Wan offspring kinda makes sense. Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan is the only character from the prequels that I could even imagine having sex anyway. At least in a flesh-and-blood, human kind of way. And not by midichlorian insemenation.

Isn't Yul working in politics in some capacity now? Makes a lot of sense.

I got a Party Down notification for this? :(

Or the wacky "Mind Over Matter" test-taking montage from Summer School.

I was actually dragged to a Neko Case show at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville before I even knew who she was. I still thank the person who took me there to this day because it was one of the most incredible shows I have ever attended (and now I'm a die hard fan, obviously). Her voice in that venue was