
This here is the future,  Videotape tells the truth.

I misread the title of the single as "Applesauce."

Definitely agree about the paso being boring.  Favorite paso is still Joshua and Katee's from S4.

Someone replied to one of my posts not long ago requesting that my replies be funny.  If only I could remember who that was…

Also reminds me thematically a little of TheTruman Show with the character's isolation and pathos.  Now I'm kind of wishing Peter Wier had directed this.

The lyrics are kind of dumb yes, but that's just par for the course when it comes to radio pop music nowadays.  Doesn't even touch some of the worst examples like  that "I'm gonna miss you like a child misses his blanket" nonsense in that Fergie song.  At least I think that was Fergie.

Yes!  Set to the song "Mind Over Matter" by E.G. Daily.

I love how Don's all "bitch, are you SERIOUS with that beehive right now?" in that pic.

Do you have an ongoing tally of negative descriptions as well?  I'm sure there are a lot of 'disgustings' and 'blands' in there.  Although if we're counting HK, the undisputed winner would be "RAWWW!" followed by a smashed plate.

Perhaps it works on the same dynamic principle that says dimples on golf balls make them fly faster and farther.

Gosling?  Bale?  Phoenix?  I'm sure there are more.

So David Brent, then?

In my day the bullies were completely visible.  It's what made me the man I am today.

I do, but for entirely different reasons.

The clicks, yes.  But also the dicks.

Can they go ahead and retroactively unmake Vegas Vacation while they're at it?

I have flagged my own comment for not being funny enough. Call it self-flagellation.

Lol, that looks like the car homer designed in 'Oh Brother, Where Art Thouh.'

I'm gonna wear the fuck out of this downvote thingy.

She looks like Charlize Theron from the movie Monster, yes