
Does anyone else wonder what Life of Pi would be like if it were directed by Danny Boyle?  No one?  Ok, I'll show myself out.

Leslie Knope and Max Fischer have a lot in common if you think about it.  In fact, I could totally see a montage of Leslie's city projects soundtracked to 'Making Time.'

You know, I've always wondered about that.  Either the actor just holds an amount of fluid in their mouth and releases on "action," or the alternative is the spray apparatus that looks comical (and is usually reserved for comedic sketches where the ridiculousness adds to comedy).  Neither of which is entirely

Well, it's no MBV that's for sure.  But it's pretty good for music without swirling swaths of layered guitars.

And Ross Geller.

I thought the article said 'Jenny Lewis' and for a second I was excited about a possible sequel to Troop Beverly Hills :(

"I roughly enjoyed Entourage for 2 seasons." - Fixed again. 

Boy, it'd really help to be be 6' 5" 250 lbs right now.

Boy, it'd really help to be be 6' 5" 250 lbs right now.

I like to play a little Dexter revisionist history in my mind that the series lasted six seasons.  After season four, Aurthur Mitchell's son fingers Dexter for the murder of his father.  Season five portrays Dexter on the run in a nationwide manhunt/killing spree, ending in his incarceration.  Season six sees Dexter

I like to play a little Dexter revisionist history in my mind that the series lasted six seasons.  After season four, Aurthur Mitchell's son fingers Dexter for the murder of his father.  Season five portrays Dexter on the run in a nationwide manhunt/killing spree, ending in his incarceration.  Season six sees Dexter