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    Just glad to see I'm not the only one who has no idea what a Tumblr is. It's some kind of social media thingy, right?

    We didn't land on Disqus; Disqus landed on us.

    It's like one of those GamerGate creeps got bored and decided that he needed a new woman to harass online.

    Dammit you bastard.

    For the most part I've only flagged spam; it feels weird breaking it out so much today.

    After it was bought by Fox, my old local Fox affiliate started leading off their local news with, "it's ten PM. Do you know where your children are?" said completely seriously. It seems like a bad parody, but it's for real.

    "Shirley. The voice. Can you make it more…I thought it would be more sssss…what's another word that means "more happy threatening?"

    It would be like the school president debate between Leonard and Magnitude.

    So is this a modern equivalent of the old 1-900 numbers to call Santa or The Corey Hotline used to get kids to waste their parents' money on the phone?

    But enough about Thor and The Avengers.

    In the ancient world, the kings and queens with the longest lifespans were usually the ones who had all their family members killed shortly after assuming the throne, before their family could kill them. Apparently, giving absolute power to one person from one family - and making their closest relatives their heirs

    Maybe Neeson will go back to most of his pre-Taken roles, and play the younger lead's father figure or actual father, and die partway through.

    It was Hawk. And that apparently came about because the original plan, that Monarch was Captain Atom, was leaked so DC decided to change to reveal at the last minute.

    I was raised a combination Catholic and Lutheran, and the first I encountered the other version was in "Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment", which really confused me - how did they fuck that up so much, the episode is about Homer stealing when the 8th Commandment is the one against lying.

    One I've heard is "Thou shall not kill" really just means "thou shall not murder", but it doesn't include killing in war or executions, which are totally perfectly moral.

    Can we have a series on Jesus' later years, when he traveled to America to preach to the natives who are actually the lost tribes of Israel?

    But which version of the Ten Commandments will they be using? The one from St. Augustine, followed by Catholics and Lutherans? The version from John Calvin, followed by most other Protestants, which combines "thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife" and "thou shall not covet they neighbor's property" into a single

    I'm just happy to learn that most of the bottled water in the US comes from the water supply in California, which gets very little rain even when it's not in the middle of a multi-year drought, because the state has no regulations on groundwater use. ( http://www.motherjones.com/… ) So thank you, all you idiots I see

    Instead, he gets a new heart - despite being over the maximum age to be eligible for a heart transplant. But hey, I'm sure any evil old man who wasn't a rich and powerful political figure would get the same consideration!

    By being a total blowhard who has no sense of honor or integrity. That's how you get handed your own show, Hannity and Liberal TBD, for a start-up "news" network.