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    From what I remember - which is not a lot, I saw the movie once with some young cousins years ago - it seemed like it was half trying to mock the original series, and half trying to just recreate it and create a standard stupid kids' movie, leading to serious inconsistencies in tone.

    Cleavage? Sarah Michelle Geller hasn't really had cleavage since she contracted shrinking actress disorder sometime around seasons 3 & 4 of Buffy.

    He, like a lot of others, can't stand the fact that the best President America has had in the past 50 years was both black and a Democrat, and so he wants to erase all of his greatest achievements.

    It's a chiropractic "degree", not an actual medical degree, getting certified as a quack con artist selling fake treatments to the gullible does not actually make you an expert in anything.

    Ugh, so gross and painful.

    Can you hear them talking 'bout us?
    Telling lies, is that a surprise
    Can you see them? See right through them
    They have a shield, nothing must be revealed

    If you're an idiotic man who has no idea how women's anatomy and periods work, what the fuck do you think you're doing designing products for menstruation? This is what happens when stupid men are able to convince themselves that they're super-smart, and certainly know better than any woman, simply by virtue of

    Aside from cheating on every one of his wives.

    But this will let New York fall back into the mayhem of the 1950s, when competing gangs of juvenile delinquents roamed the streets committing elaborately choreographed song-and-dance routines that were also knife fights!

    It's still Twitter, there's still no good reason to ever use it.

    Is that why there's so many people with Disqus accounts who use an identical stupid egg thing for their avatar? Considering how almost everyone who does that is a giant asshole, I had assumed that was some weird 4Chan thing.

    “Is that good or bad?.” Neither, dumbass. There are no such things as demons, and for someone over about seven to think that they actually exist, like with angels, ghosts or Santa Claus, is just completely ridiculous.

    Kurt Cobain will be appearing at Sundance? OK, this whole hologram trend is officially getting out of hand.

    "thousands of devoted Gaiman fans knocking as hard as they possibly could."

    No up or down voting? But then how will I use the approval of strangers to determine my worth as a human being?

    I remember that you could see the budget going down as the show went on, as the effects kept getting shittier and shittier, particularly when the Visitors were shown unmasked; by the end they looked like they were wearing paper mâché masks that didn't even have moving mouths.

    Maybe they're taking some advice from Bill O'Reilly?

    Not just that, he had a big part in popularizing the "gamer gate" bullshit and amplifying the voices of the crazed 4Chan harassers.

    Fox always knows what to do with sci-fi shows: stick them on Friday nights, because X-Files was somewhat successful there* and they know geeks have no lives are home on Saturdays, and then be surprised when no one watches it live because geeks in fact do have lives and so are often not home Friday nights, just like

    "If Bill Murray wants in"