I don't know, I see a lot of Chads and Howards in modern internet culture. I mean Howard is basically the prototype "le nice guy" stereotype.
I don't know, I see a lot of Chads and Howards in modern internet culture. I mean Howard is basically the prototype "le nice guy" stereotype.
Sean Pertwee's death scene still haunts me to this day. What a perfectly bleak moment.
I just rewatched Breakdown couple weeks ago, what a great little movie.
Co-starring Gary Sinese as "Man Who Has No Idea What Movie He's In."
this is the part where you fall down
Fun side game for that movie: Ray Park played James Remar's stunt double, and they never bothered to actually dye his hair white. Can YOU find all the scenes with Ray Park in them?
Counterpoint: Face/Off is C I N E M A
Fantasia 2000. I think I might still own that, too.
Late 90's-early 2000's is the nadir of film and TV. It was a bunch of unwatchable Matrix knockoffs, the alst drips of the 80's Tarantino wannabees at their worst, network TV having no idea what it wanted to do with the new millennium after the advent of cable and seemingly just trying tho push the boundaries of good…
I went through most of Homicide a couple years ago, and Subway was so fucking good that I dropped the show right afterwords because I knew it'd never get that good again. I only kept watching S6 because I heard about how good that episode was, I hated the new cast with a burning passion.
The female kidnapper in this gives one of the worst performances I've seen in a theatrically-released motion picture. it's Room-esque.
Exiled is some quality cinema.
It's real fuckin' close, man. They're neck-and-neck.
My first was Die Another Day ;_;
crank high voltage is C I N E M A
The first Taken is pretty great Mr. Greene why u gotta do me like that
All of the action scenes are the heroes firing guns off camera and then cutting to B-roll of explosions. Like a third of the movie is seriously just explosions on slo-mo while bad techno plays.
Elizabeth Mitchell!