LNS is a movie loved in high school that I can't imagine going back to now. Large sections are burned into my brain and I'll just keep it that way, there's no way it holds up on the whole.
LNS is a movie loved in high school that I can't imagine going back to now. Large sections are burned into my brain and I'll just keep it that way, there's no way it holds up on the whole.
Push is super-underrated.
It's just quiet enough to sound real.
Quantum is an interesting emotional experiment that utterly fails as an actual movie.
Vertical Limit is the only movie I've seen where the main character has a tragic backstory of fucking something up, thus giving him the opportunity to remedy it in the third act with a repeat of that situation…only to do the exact same thing and fuck it up again.
One of the best things about that movie(that even modern Bond films don't do) is have the Bond Girl start out in her own movie. It takes some real time from Bond and Natalya to meet up, and she's honestly doing pretty damn well on her own for hacker with no field experience.
The opening is a microcosm of the movie's problems.
You are a FUNNY MAN, Mr. Bond!
Diamonds Are Forever is trash, but that elevator fistfight is maybe the best of Connery's run.
That movie created the modern post-Bourne action formula years before it was even a thing.
I've heard that, keep meaning to check it out because there's the bones of a good story in there.
un cinema de penn
Remember the letter he sent to Parker/Stone after Team America?
THE PLEDGE is post-modern trash. Outside of Nicholson it feels like a student film screenplay tied to self-important camerawork.
At least that made some measure of sense, there were actual white cops down there investigating.
This smells like "You're either one of us or one of them" nonsense.
" Do people here suddenly hate Game of Thrones?"
I appreciate the sheer amount of awkward family dinners the first season had.
The franchise has been trash from a thematic level since II, where it went from "Lunatic killer with masturbatory ideas that make no sense" to "Let's watch Donnie Whalberg and Tobin Bell pretend there's some sort of greater ideological explanation for what Jigsaw does." After the first one, the only reason to keep…
Why is Leto doing a Jimmy Stewart impression?