Nibbles Magoo

It's not great, but it's an ending. And it could have been worse.

It's objectively fantastic. Wo knew exactly what he was doing, getting two of the biggest hams in Hollywood to play dress-up as each other with an insane screenplay that he inexplicably shot like a Hitchockian psychological thriller.

A USB stick, actually.

I like Dane DeHann a lot, but I'm not sure who decided he's a movie star. Part of why he worked so well in Cure For Wellness is how intentionally off-putting he normally is in his performances.

Dis one is ripe!

The action is pretty good, but the CBS sitcom comedy soundtrack kills a lot of the in-between stuff and it forgets to have a third act.

That was the first movie I saw where someone actualyl just got punched to death. Like hit in the face, lights out.

The General Grievous and Obi-Wan fight/chase/fight invalidates that film from the discussion all by itself. What ugly trash, the vulgar auteur crowd can shove their "dynamic film making" excuses up their ass.

Vin Diesel fights a guy who's wearing metallic cyborg Hulk Hands. It's pretty great.

Even if you find American Sniper racist, I'm not sure that movie has somehow became the sum totality of his career.


Honestly, Orphan's twist fits perfectly with the lurid tone of that film. It sounds idiotic in a vacuum, but as part of the whole package it works.

Attack Of The Vulgar Auteur Defenders

The joys of attaching yourself to the James Wan Boys Club, I guess.

no more mutants

I think Esmail has heard the complaints about the S2 twists, which bodes well.

The problem with WESTOWRLD wasn't that it was a puzzle-box, it was that there was nothing inside it. It was a nesting doll of twists that begat more twists with nothing else to it. No character, nothing about technology that either the movie or Person of Interest didn't explore better, etc.

It was funny watching the show with my mom and her going "This makes no sense, Tahani clearly isn't a good person even with her sad backstory" and I just kept handwaving it.

The Sept explosion worked because so much of that King's Landing storyline was from the perspective of Margery, who was in the middle of some elaborate psychological chess match with The Sparrow that we had every indication of thinking would pay off one way or another. Maybe she would win, maybe she wouldn't, but the

I figured out that twist about five minutes before the penny dropped. It was a real "Either this story is just repeating itself over and over for no reason, or…OH SHIT."