Nibbles Magoo

People praised his terrible score for DAWN too, so I'd take that with a grain of salt.

But the sets in BurtonApes are boring too. It honestly feels like Rick Baker directed it in secret considering the ape suits are the only thing the camera gives a shit about.

"Mark Whalberg, astronaut/scientist" is still the single worst piece of Hollywood casting I've ever seen.

dude what

"The first Amazing Spider-Man wasn't all that bad"

What? Ramirez was great in Ultimatum even with the three lines of dialogue he had.

"Did Gilroy know what movie he was making?"

The car chase was awful, though. And having The Asset literally say "YOU'RE A TRAITOR JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER WAS" at the end was some prime-cut garbage screenwriting.

She was pretty fun in Man From UNCLE too.

I don't know why they lee-p making her try and do American accents when she's clearly so terrible at them. You can literally watch her try and vocally restrain her accent every time she opened her mouth in Jason Bourne, it was embarrassing.

I love Ultimatum, but Straithern's villain does feel less like a character and more like a walking collection of post-9/11 buzzwords.

Spartan is amazing.

Well fuck you very much too buddy, thanks for shitting on one of my favorite TV shows for no reason at all.

RIP 21st Century Rutger Hauer.

I'm glad they finally let Marty out of directing jail, Green Lantern was a lot of things but "Martin Campbell's fault" was not one of them.

Or Cliffhanger.

"I would love to see a director try and anticipate what nostalgia from the 2010's will look like."


Sharlto Copely deserves to go to jail for his performance in that.

The best part of Ong Bak is Tony Jaa fighting the martial artist who's "technique" is picking things up and throwing them at him. It's like a Naked Gun gag in the middle of this ridiculous action spectacle.