Nibbles Magoo

Bad Boys 2 has amazing action sequences sandwiched between the worst movie ever made.

Yeah, I can't really buy into the White Savoir complaint considering how much of that movie focuses on Katsumoto and how a lot of his own personal character issues are resolved in ways that have nothing to do with Algren.

The idea of using Wantanabe as a glorified figurehead to play into the Mystical Magic Asian Man Leader trope was a clever enough idea that I can't believe that David Goyer came up with it.

Which is a shame because Johnathan Mostow had previously directed the fantastic Kurt Russell movie Breakdown, which has that perfect John Dahl neo-noir-90's style.

She's been is some real shit the past few years.

Every year gets the COLLATERAL BEAUTY it deserves.

Manos' dialogue is bad, but in a B-movie "Master welcomes you into his homeeeeeee" kind of way.

Manos is a good comparison point, if it had far worse dialogue.

The most bizarre thing about ALS (other then everything about ALS) is that it doesn't feel like the product of the kind of Breen/Wiseaeu lunatic egotist style that gets these movies made. There's no weird sex scenes or grand thematic ideals or really anything, it just wants to be a kind of techno-thriller ghost story

It's not as funny as you think it is, because most of the movie is watching a screensaver.

This is the most singularly bizarre movie I've ever seen. The only things that come close are the Neil Breen ego trip nightmares, but even those have a sick, absurd logic to them. After Last Season is like if the CEO Suicide Montage from Fateful Findings went on for 90 minutes and looked even cheaper. Actually that's

It does kind of fell like an Evil Mirror Universe version of Upstream Color at points.

Literally half of this movies is watching a screensaver of silvery 3D blobs moving around with little to no dialogue.

It makes sense with MONARCH because in Skull Island they're shown to be a near-penniless crackpot arm of the government with like twelve employees.

I still don't know why Season 3 is somehow considered the downward point. Season 2 was ten episodes of plot setup with seemingly no narrative through-line. Even if you didn't love the Castor/Evil Clone PMC plotline, it was A plotline, something to hang the characters and their relationships on.

And he clearly has some actual level of historical knowledge, even if it's not on the level of Evie. He's not a moron, just a get-rich-quick rake.

I think the racial aspects are a bit mitigated by the fact that every character is seemingly peeled off of the cover of old pulp stories. Hell, even the Americans are walking slices of apple pie with too many guns.

Fantasia 2000 in this house.

Genuinely clever screenwriting. Characterises Beni while also forwarding the narrative along at the same time.

The Mummy films helped "teach" me about how important score is to a film.