Nibbles Magoo

I did wish the show would finally bite the bullet and just gave John Simm an actual man-on-man sex scene. Not that I actually want to see him naked, but with how much they tease it and how willing they were to give Margo lesbian sex partners I feel like they should just do it for equality's sake.

The Catch was a fairly interesting in so how unwieldy and ambitious it was for a soapy procedural. The first season was fairly standard, but S2 has seemingly tried to be 3-4 high-concept television shows at the same time as a way to alleviate any boredom with the format.

The Catch might be the thirstiest show ever made. Like a third of every episode's running time was devoted to sex scenes that must have made the S&P censors tear their hair out.

"He had to keep up appearances"

She can run all the marathons she wants, I still draw the line at picking herself off that metal cliff with her arms. She'd split like a wishbone.

As a big fan of the book, seeing ti dumbed down into some sort of dipshit Dark/Light Templars vs Assassins bullshit made my blood boil. And David went from a fucked-up abuse victim barely hanging on into Hayden Christiansan at his most smug and insufferable while Millie got inexplicably turned into Summer Roberts 2.0.

It's less to do with the quality of the movie and more to do with his first major starring studio film being some warmed-over fish-out-of-water premise out of a bad 60's comedy.


"its not a half bad movie"

Oh sure, I get what you're saying.

"Hell, even Jai Courtney is really good in Spartacus."

People still liked Bruno, even if it was just Borat B-sides. The Dictator was the start of the "Really, he's picking this?" era.

today even the rabbits cry

Transporter 2 is the original Crank 2, I will not hear Leterrier's name besmirched in this house.

I mean the stuff after. Ace Ventura 2, Me Myself and Irene, etc.

I can't pick. Ask me every day of the week and I'll tell you a different answer every time.

Man, I knew Jumper must have been a disappointing production but I didn't know it went THAT bad for him.

The sad thing is this is a fantastic idea on paper. The fact of the matter is most action-comedies fail because the action looks like absolute shit, it's a comedy production that's not even pretending to try and follow the rhythms of an action movie because they either don't have the talent or don't have the respect

Seems like an odd project for Liman to take, though maybe he needed a small-budget breather in-between his bigger blockbusters.

The Patriot is trash, but Jason Issacs is delightfully hammy. He's two steps away from playing Count Dracula in every scene, the evil is overwrought to the point of near-parody.